Unlocked Fire

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Kakashi had just gotten out of bed and was dressing when the first explosion rocked the building. His eyes widened, having felt that in the past. He grabbed his utility pack as he ran to the balcony, snapping it into place as he threw the doors open. What looked like a meteor streaked in front of his gaze and slammed into the earth, exploding and leveling everything that had been in its path. Horror filled him as he realized it had hit on the side of town where Melissa and Iruka were supposed to be getting married in a matter of hours. Sarah!

He leaped from the balcony onto the adjoining rooftop and started running fast. More meteors slammed down around the village, leaving fire and destruction in their wake. It was like they were under attack but he had yet to see any enemy combatants, only terrified citizens trying to run to the safety of the shelter nestled in the mountains beneath the looming, protective faces of the Hokages.

He raised his hand as he flinched as a streak of gold shot past his peripheral and into another meteor that was about to slam into the ground. He then noticed several other streaks of gold and smiled slightly as he realized it was Naruto and his clones taking out the incoming meteors that would have leveled the village entirely without his intervention. He increased his speed as he went into the heart of the area where Sarah was supposed to be getting ready for the wedding. The ground was ripped apart and everything that had been in its path was on fire, the smoke was overwhelming and he was thankful for his mask that helped him to breath through the soot and smoke.

Kakashi was frozen in horror as he looked at the building where she was supposed to be, it was almost non-existant having taken the brunt of the explosion the crashed meteor had left behind. He rushed into the burning building, looking around desperately for any sign of her but there was none there. He stumbled out of the building and looked around desperately, his heart in serious pain as he had to consider that she might have been vaporized in the explosion.

"Sarah!" he yelled as he started searching the rubble all around. "Sarah!"

Konahamaru appeared next to him suddenly. "Klaudia was with Sarah when it happened. She said they had got out of the building but the explosion separated them. I found her over there."

Kakashi ran in the opposite direction to the piles of debris scattered all out while Konahamaru searched in another section. He was overwhelmed by the horror he was feeling as he searched for her, flinching when he would find a leg or an arm, only to discover it was a citizen that had perished in the explosion.

"Sarah!" he screamed again.

His hands were bloodied and bruised as he removed the rubble from any pile that looked like she possibly could have been under. He was just lifting another big slab when Konahamaru yelled to him. "Kakashi!" He turned his head and the look on the other man's face made his heart sink into his stomach. He moved to him, trying to hold onto his sanity as he approached. Konahamaru was almost white as he looked at him.

Out of the rubble, he saw an arm and on the wrist was the Leaf village bracelet that she wore almost every day. "No..." he said before moving towards it. The slab on top of her was huge and more than any one man could lift. "Help me!"

"Kakashi... there is no way she survived that..." Konahamaru whispered.

"Damn it, help me or find someone who will!" Kakashi snapped at him before stripping his glove off and tossing it to the side as he took her wrist in hand and searched for a pulse. He almost cried as he felt it. "She has a pulse! We got to get her out of there now!"

Konahamaru took a step back before a Rasengan appeared in his hand. Kakashi almost told him to stop but he was already yelling, "Rasengan" before slamming it into the slab of concrete. It cracked and exploded at the contact into small pieces that were easy to remove. Both men quickly started tossing off the rubble then froze as they looked at what appeared to be a shield of energy surrounding her. Her eyes were closed, obviously unconscious. Kakashi touched the energy and flinched as it burned his fingers.

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