Truth or Lie

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Melissa was in awe as she stared at the ceiling above her.  She had never... NEVER... had that good of sex in her life.  Iruka was incredible, better than any fantasy she had ever had about the man and THAT was saying a lot.  He was still running his hand along her stomach and kissing her shoulder, even though he was obviously done for the time being.  He leaned up on his elbow and looked down at her.

"I almost feel like calling in tomorrow," he finally said.  "Damn Melissa... you are just mesmerizing."

She felt her face warm at the words and she rolled a little on her side to look at him.  He was looking down at her breasts then froze.  His eyes narrowed slightly before his hand left her stomach and his fingers wrapped around the necklace hanging between her cleavage.  His eyes widened slightly before he looked up at her.  She almost jumped as she suddenly remembered the necklace with his name on it.

He sat up and dropped the necklace as if he had been burned.  She sat up just as fast and stared at him with growing horror.  FUCK.  "I-I-I... can explain."  She racked her brain for a good reason for having a necklace with his name on it but she couldn't think of a damn thing.  FUCK.  She had not taken the damn thing off in years and she had actually forgot about it.  They had been so hot and heavy, he had not even noticed it then but as they were lazing about it finally had caught his attention.

"Who are you?" he finally was able to get out.

"Fuck," she finally said and swung her legs over the side of the bed.  "I can't even... oh fuck..."

Melissa started grabbing her clothes that had been thrown about the room.  He had jumped off the bed as well and rounded it.  He grabbed the clothes out of her hands and tossed them before taking her arms in his hands.  "No, no... you're not going anywhere until I get an answer."  He forced her to sit back down and folded his hands in front of his face.  "After tonight, I think I deserve to know that."

"I'm the same woman you brought home," she said after a long moment of silence.

"Melissa... tell me why you have a necklace with my name on it," he whispered, his dark eyes were fixed intently on her.

"I'm not suppose to say anything," she whispered.  "You'll think I'm crazy or you won't believe me...  Or worse, you'll have the ANBU haul me off because you'll think I'm a spy or something."

Iruka stared at her for a long moment, "Tell me and don't lie.  I'll know if you're lying to me."

Melissa felt her eyes burn.  How did everything go to shit so fast?  "Everything I told you is the truth... except I omitted a few details.  I really am from Colorado and I did come here from Japan."  She felt sick to her stomach and she could feel her hands shake in her lap.  The fact that they were both naked seemed to make it even worse.  "You won't believe me."

He took her hands between his own and gave her an intense look, "Tell me."

Melissa felt her heart beat faster and her throat felt tight as her anxiety rose.  There was not getting around this.  If she didn't tell him, he would probably have the ANBU show up.  The thought was more horrifying than she could imagine.  They'd have one of their interrogators crack into her brain or worse... torture.  Then Sarah and Klaudia would be in danger as well.

"I told you that Japan was far from where I come from.  There is this forest there that is called the Suicide Forest.  Many people go there to kill themselves.  Sarah... damn she gets the craziest ideas sometimes... she wanted to go there to see it for herself.  She was obsessed with the idea and Klaudia... she wanted to go too.  When we were there, something evil came.  I don't know what the hell it was but it freaked Klaudia out and we started running."  A tear rolled over her cheek as she remembered the terror, "We got lost in the forest running away from this entity.  When we finally found our way out, we were here... in this world."

Iruka stared at her, "In. This. World."

"We aren't from this world, Iruka," she whispered.  "In our world, you're all part of an Anime - that's like a cartoon - called Naruto.  All of us were huge fans and we each had our favorite guys on the show.  Sarah was crazy about Kakashi.  Klaudia was a Konahamaru girl.... I was an Iruka fan.  We were so happy when we realized that we had somehow came to your world because we've all wanted to be here instead of our own world."

Iruka stared at her for a long moment before dropping her hands, "You're right, I don't believe you.  That's too crazy of a story to be true."

Melissa did cry then.  "Fine, call the ANBU, let them do their interrogation and torture.  Just leave Sarah and Klaudia out of it, please.  I beg you."

Iruka raked his fingers through his hair.  Her story was insane.  What manner of woman did he bring home with him?  Yet... He looked at her again, her tears were working on his heart and he wanted to believe her, he really did.  "Do you have any proof?"

Melissa was about to say no then gasped, "Yes, I do!  Oh my god... I forgot..."  She jumped off the bed, well aware his eyes were watching her very closely as she started to leave the bedroom.  She flinched when he grabbed her arm, stopping her.  "It's in my bag.  I promise, I'm not trying to run away."

Iruka did not release his grip on her wrist but instead started pulling her into the other room.  He picked up the bag, made a look inside before handing it over to her.  She flinched at the obvious distrust.  She felt almost like kicking him as it broke her heart.  She had half a mind to rip the necklace off her neck and throw it at him.  Instead, she reached inside and pulled out her phone.  She mentally crossed her fingers as she touched the screen and was thankful that it still had 20% power on it.  Since they weren't using them, the battery life had lasted.  She quickly opened the photo gallery and scrolled to the folder labelled Iruka.  She opened it then gave the phone to him.

He eyed her for a moment before releasing his grip on her and looking at the screen.  He was shocked as he looked at an image that was definitely him in cartoon style... many images including one that looked like some kind of art done with him and a cartoon version of herself.  He was speechless as he scrolled through the photos then froze as a cartoon clip started playing, of when Naruto had asked him to stand in as his father.  His mouth dropped open slightly before he looked over at her.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before... I probably came across as a hoe the way I immediately fell into bed with you," she said so soft it was almost a whisper, "but I've loved you for a very long time and I don't know if we'll be allowed to stay here or if we will one day be returned to our world... I couldn't pass up the chance to be with you-"

Iruka dropped the phone and grabbed her close.  He gave her a long kiss then pulled back, laughing softly.  "I'm sorry I didn't believe you.  Forgive me."  He wiped the tears from her cheeks, "I knew there was something different about you... I just had no idea..."

Melissa felt was shaking in her relief, "I think I could forgive you almost anything, Iruka."

Iruka abruptly picked her up and started carrying her back to the bedroom.  Her eyes widened as she looked up at him, "What-"

"Since we don't know if you'll be allowed to stay, I'm going to love the hell out of you until that day," he responded with a chuckle before kissing her rather feverishly even as he took them both down to the bed.

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