Why Are You This Way

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Melissa shook her head rather forcefully.  No, no, no.  This can't be right.  Oh God, this can't be right!  Don't be right!  She jumped when Iruka knocked on the  bathroom door.  "Melissa?  Are you okay in there?  You've been in there a long time."

A month had passed since Klaudia's wedding.  Iruka had finally decided that since almost the entire village knew they were a thing to finally ask her to move in with him a few weeks after the wedding.  She had readily done so, tired of having to go back and forth.  There was a little rumble in the Academy after everyone found out but after a few weeks, no one seemed bothered by it at all.  Although, it did seem that they had a lot more pop ins than before, which was humorous to her because that while it might have been exciting to fool around behind closed doors, neither wanted to cross that line there.

"I'm fine!" she called back.

She shoved what she was looking at in her pants pocket before flushing the toilet and then washing her hands.  She came out and he was giving her a concerned look.  She forced a laugh, "Sorry I was thinking is all."

Iruka smiled at that then said, "I was thinking.  Would you like to go do something today?"

"Oh... I'm sorry but I promised the girls I would meet up with them.  Maybe tomorrow?"

Iruka shoved his hands in his pockets then nodded, obviously disappointed.  "Okay then, I guess I do have some stuff to catch up on."

Melissa moved towards him and gave him a tight hug then a kiss.  "I'll make it a short and hurry back here.  Maybe we can still go do something then."

That beautiful smile of his crossed his features and he kissed her. "Now I like the sound of that.  Meanwhile I'll get caught up on those Chunin applications I've been procrastinating on."

Melissa hugged him tighter, grabbed her purse, then hurried out the door.  Her heart was pounding as she quickly went to the hospital in town.  She hated lying to him but she didn't want to freak him out if it wasn't necessary.  She pulled the pregnancy test out of her pocket and threw it in the first trash can she saw on her path to the hospital.  She hoped that the clinic inside would be able to see her immediately because she would be sick until she knew for sure.

An hour later, she was laying on the bed as one of the medics held her hands over her stomach.  It was very different way of being checked out than in their world.  In her world, her legs would be up in the air and they'd be probing around with her.  She much preferred this method.  The medic's hands were glowing green and she had her eyes closed.  Her eyes then opened and she smiled at her.

"Congratulations, you are pregnant!  You're six weeks along," she smiled.

Melissa was shocked, "I-I-I... I wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant anymore.  My tubes were tied how-"

The medic smiled at her, "Yes, I saw that was the case; however, from my examination I noticed that you had a scar on your ovary from a cyst busting.  Did you have any sharp pain about six weeks ago?"

Melissa blinked, "Well... yes.  I occasionally have cysts, how..."

"When this cyst busted, it opened a hole in your ovary that has since closed.  An egg must have come out and now you're pregnant."

Melissa was going to faint.  She had gotten her tubes tied years ago, deciding that she didn't want to bring any children into the shitty world she was living in.  "Oh my god..."

"This is a miracle baby, Ms. Wright," the medic reassured her.  "The chances of this happening are... astronomical."

Melissa folded her hands over her stomach.  She was pregnant with Iruka's child.  She couldn't believe it.  She felt a measure of joy but it was tampered down when she thought about Iruka's reaction.  He was going to flip out.  He was already freaked out about marriage but a baby?  He'd probably faint dead away.  She was going to keep it, though.  It was her one chance to have a child and now that she was in the Leaf, she wanted a child of her own.

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