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Sighing as Fluke sat on one of the hospital benches with his friend beside him. They were at the hospital for a physical examination in which their teacher asked them to submit. Their school clinic were not accepting examinations for the students for the time being, the reason why they needed to go to a hospital for it.

"I really don't understand why we need to take this every year." Fluke complained. "Our plan was ruined because of this."

His friend, Pine, laughed at him and said. "Come on, it's okay. It's not like we can't go to the cinemas after this."

"Pine, how come you're so calm about this? There are lots of people; I don't think we can make it today."

"Of course we can. The next show will start in 4 hours. I bet we're already done here before its starts."

"I hope so. I really want to watch that movie today."

After almost an hour of waiting, it was already Fluke and Pine's turn. Pine was the one who get examined first before followed by Fluke. When it was already the examination for their heart and lungs, Pine and Fluke entered a doctor's office together and Fluke saw someone that he had seen before. It was the guy who took his coffee at the café on the other day.

"Oh? You're the coffee guy." The doctor said after lifting his head and saw Fluke entering his office.

"Coffee guy?" Pine mumbled, looking at Fluke and to the doctor. "You know each other?"

"He was the one that I told you, Pine. The one who tried to steal my coffee."

After learning that information from Fluke, Pine's mouth formed into an o then she turned to look at the doctor.

"Hey~ I didn't steal. It was just a mistake. I thought it was my order."

"You're a doctor, but you don't know how to read? My name was clearly written on the cup."

The tension between the two was starting to build up and Pine knew that she needed to interfere for these two people to stop. And so she sat on a chair, in front of the doctor's table while saying. "Why don't we start examination, right? Doctor..." Pine looked at the name plate of the doctor that was pinned on his lab coat. "Doctor Ohm? Oh, right. Let's start the examination Doctor Ohm."

Pine placed his medical record on Ohm's desk. Ohm took it and read Pine's name before putting it back on the desk. Ohm glanced at Fluke for a while, like he's asking permission from him whether to start the examination or not. But Fluke rolled his eyes and looked away. Ohm smirked and stood up from his seat, walking towards Pine for him to check her heartbeat.

"Okay, Miss Pine..." Ohm said while taking his stethoscope and ready to put it on his ears when Fluke interrupted.

"You're a resident?" Fluke asked. He was looking at Ohm's white gown which was short unlike the other doctors.

"Yes, I am. Is there any problem?"

"Yes, there is. We don't want a resident to do our examination."

"Well, I'm sorry to say this but there are no other doctors who are assigned for this. It's only me."

"I'm sorry to say this also, but we can't trust you."

"I trust him!" Pine declared in which she received a glare from her friend.


"Come on, it's not like we're going to have an operation or surgery, Fluke. It's just a physical examination. I'm sure he can do that."

Fluke paused for a moment as he tried to think of what Pine said. It's not like he didn't trust resident doctors. He knew that they were good enough to this kind of thing. It's just that he doesn't trust that guy, Doctor Ohm. Fluke just simply hated him, that's it. But if he's going to refuse to do the examination then he needed to go to the other hospital which was almost an hour from where he was now.

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