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Talking about dates, Fluke wasn't a professional when it comes to that. So, when he was out for a date with Ohm, all he could do was to let the older decide in everything. He gave some suggestions, but only let Ohm choose which one would be better. But for Ohm, it shouldn't be like that.

After choosing on what movie to watch, Ohm and Fluke visited a shop where they could buy some snacks for them to bring inside the cinema. When Ohm asked what Fluke wanted to eat, the younger just told him that he's fine with anything. Because of this, Ohm let out a silent sigh before saying.



"Why do I feel like you were just forced to go out with me today?"


"Every time I ask you, you always say that it's up to me or anything is fine. Tell me... you don't want to be here, right?"

Hearing Ohm whining over such thing made Fluke to purse his lips. "It's... it's not like that." He sighed. "It's because I'm... I'm new with all of these. You know, I've... never tried going out with someone before so---" Fluke wasn't able to continue framing his sentences after seeing Ohm staring at him with a smile on his face.

It was his first time seeing someone staring and smiling at him just like what Ohm did. Instead of getting annoyed at the older, Fluke frowned and started touching his face. There might be something on his face that's why Ohm was smiling at him. Or did he look so stupid after saying that?

"Why? Is... is there something on my face?" The younger tried wiping his face while asking. "Why are you staring and laughing at me?"

"Me?" Ohm tried to act like he was oblivious as he pointed himself. "Laughing at you? No, I was smiling not laughing."


"Because you are so cute."

"What?" Fluke squinted his eyes, unable to hear what the older said.

"I said you are so cute." Ohm smiled.

But after hearing Ohm's statement, Fluke got shy all of a sudden. He could sense that his cheeks had turned red and so he quickly looked at the other direction to avoid the older's gaze.

"What are you talking about?" Fluke murmured to himself.

But Ohm just continued spreading a smile on his face. He bravely took Fluke's hand and held it. He never tore his gaze from the younger and saw how Fluke widened his eyes and looked around the place after his hand was held by the older.

"Since it's your first time going on a date, then let's make it special." Ohm declared.


"Hmm! We'll do all the things that you want to do."

"Really? But... there are lots of them. We can't do it within today."

"Then we can do it on our next date."

Next date? They were not even half a day of their date and yet Ohm was already talking about their next date. But the thought of going on another date with Ohm made Fluke feel happy.

"So..." The older continued. "For now, let's watch a movie then let's go somewhere fun afterwards. Okay?"

Before agreeing to the older, Fluke acted like he needed to think about it first. But after a few moments, Fluke put on a smile on his face and gave the older a nod.

"That's great. So, what do you want to eat?"

Fluke turned to look at the menu this time, and unlike a few moments ago, he started to open up to the older. "We just had our lunch, so I'm a bit full."

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