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Slowly opening his eyes, Gulf greeted by the sunshine that sprinkled on the floor through the window. He looked around and noticed that he fell asleep at the living room and not on his bedroom like he used to.

What happened? He thought to himself.

After collecting himself, Gulf then noticed that the thing that he was lying on kept on moving alternately in an up and down. And on top of that, he could clearly hear someone's heartbeat and heavy breathing. With his brows furrowed, Gulf then slowly pulled himself up and was surprised to see that he fell asleep on top of Mew's naked body.

He silently gasped, careful not to make a noise that could stir the older from his peaceful sleep. As he stared at the older, Gulf tried to recall what happened the previous night and how did he end up sleeping on top of the older.

As Gulf harkened back, he remembered that he found Mew at the living room lying on couch with a high fever. He hurriedly lowered the older's temperature by putting on a wet towel on Mew's forehead and wiping the older's body with another wet towel. But then Mew woke up all of a sudden, they had a short conversation before Mew had pulled him closer, making him to lie on top of Mew's naked body.

And the next thing that happened, Mew kissed him. What made Gulf even more shocked was that he remembered that he kissed the older back. The two of them kissed until they were almost out of breath. When they both pulled away from the kiss, Gulf buried his face on the crook of Mew's neck and fell asleep.

Everything that happened made Gulf to shut his eyes in embarrassment and scratched the back of his head. While he was busy silently scolding himself for not being able to control himself that night, Mew stirred from his sleep and he slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing Mew slowly opening his eyes, Gulf quickly sat on the couch properly and looked ahead of him, avoiding the older with his gaze. Mew rubbed his eyes and looked around the place. Then he saw Gulf sitting beside him and looking so tensed.

"Did... I sleep here?" Mew asked the younger.

Gulf swiftly turned his to the older's direction with confuse looked on his face. Then he responded. "Obviously, because you woke up here that means you slept in here."

"Why am I here?"

The younger wasn't able to answer the older's question and he just raised his brows at him.

"What are you doing here?" The older continued when he received no response from the younger. "Did you sleep here too? You look like you have just woken up as well."

His mind was a mess. He didn't know how to answer the older because yes, he slept in there as well. To be specific, he slept on top of him. Since the older appeared to have forgotten what happened the previous night, Gulf took it as an opportunity to lie to the older in order to cover their kiss.

"Ahm... don't you remember? You were sick last night. And I... I woke up early and come here from my room to check your temperature." Stuttering as he talked. "Right! Let me check it."

Gulf removed the towel on Mew's forehead that was already dried and he placed his palm on the older's forehead this time. While checking Mew's temperature, Gulf shifted his gaze to the other direction in order not to meet the older's gaze.

"So, how was it?"


"How's my temperature? Is it normal now?"

"Ah, yes! You're fine now." Gulf answered followed by a sigh. He thought that the older was asking how their kiss was the other night and he got tensed because of it once again.

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