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After Maria left with her nurse and Jenny, it's only him and Mew who were left at the garden. It was already dark at that time and only a few lamp posts were there to light the whole garden. Mew and Gulf where looking at them as they left the place. When the three slowly disperse from their sight, Mew turned his gaze at Gulf.

"So, why are you here?" The older asked once again. "You haven't answered that question yet."

And when he heard Mew dropping the same question at him, he shifted his gaze at the older this time. For a moment, Gulf stared at the older without saying anything, looking at him from head to toe and he remembered what Maria said. It was his first time seeing his husband in a white coat. The older looked so good in it, no wonder Maria mentioned about Mew being admired by lots of people at the hospital. He then placed the foods that he brought on the bench before taking a seat.

He unloaded those foods from the plastic bag then he finally said. "They're getting cold already. Sit and have your dinner."

Mew, who was following the younger's actions with his gaze, was taken a back at the fact that Gulf came at the hospital just to bring him some foods for his dinner. With a seeming smile, Mew sat on the bench and wait until Gulf finished setting his meals.

"You come here to bring me these? Why? You were avoiding me this morning and now---"

"Don't ask and just eat." Gulf cut him and gave the older a pair of wooden chopsticks.

The older stared at him for a moment before taking the chopsticks from the younger, but being such a hard headed person, Mew continued asking anyway. Not really caring about what Gulf have said beforehand.

"Salmon?" Mew was delighted to see fresh slices of salmon for his dinner. "It's... my favourite. How did you know about it?"

"I didn't know. I just bought what the restaurant recommended." He explained which was actually true. When Gulf entered the restaurant, there were lots of dishes on their menu and so he asked the owner about their best meal for someone who's sick. The owner proudly recommended him the vegetable soup and salmon and so he bought them for the older.

"Really? I see." Mew then started eating the dishes that his husband brought for him and he enjoyed it a lot. "It's good." He was craving for salmon and was planning to have it for the weekend, but Gulf brought it for him instead. And the fact that Gulf really came to the hospital to let him eat healthy foods made it even better. The younger wasn't transparent with his feelings at first, but Gulf changed as time went by, especially after what happened at the hotel. He started to care for him and Mew was happy with it.

"Aren't you going to eat?" asked the older.

"I'm done. I ate at home before coming here."

"At home?" He silently gasped as he suddenly though of something. "You just had the meal that I made this morning? Why did you still eat it?

"Why did you leave it there when you don't want me to eat it?"

"I thought you're going back at noon."

"It's okay, I already eat it anyway. You can't do anything about it."

"But you bought a lot of foods, so you should eat with me."

"It's fine. I'm full. And... I'm not really a fan of raw foods. So just eat everything."

Protesting with the younger wasn't a good idea and so Mew just nodded his head while munching his food. It was the only response that he could give to Gulf as he gave up persuading the younger to eat with him.

While Mew was busy with his food, Gulf didn't like the silence as he felt a bit uncomfortable with it. So he took that opportunity to ask about Maria. "Hmm, Maria, why is she here at the hospital?"

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