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'The End~'

The loud click of the keyboard from a desktop computer echoed around Eye's room, she had just finished writing her first ever boys love fiction novel. And after she had proofread her novel, she finally posted it on a platform where people could read it.

Eye is an author who loves to write romantic stories. She has written more than ten boy-girl love stories before she got bored and tired all of a sudden. She still wanted to write, but she wanted something new in her novel. Something that is a bit different to some people. While searching for that new idea, Eye spent her free time watching dramas. Until one day, she accidentally ran into a drama on their television while she was lazily changing channels. She stopped pressing the controller when the channel landed on a drama that showed two boys slowly leaning to each other, like they were about to kiss.

She got intrigued and decided to give that drama a shot. As her eyes were glued on the television, Eye tapped her hand on the couch in search for a small pillow. When she got one, Eye brought the pillow in front of her and hugged it. She didn't know why, but she was anticipating for the two boys to seal their lips, just like how the two actors were anticipating for each other. And when their lips finally touched against each other, Eye squealed and squeezed the pillow so hard. She felt butterlies in her stomach while watching the two boys kissed, and that's how she decided to start writing her first ever boys love novel.

Since it was her first time writing that kind of genre, she was excited and nervous at the same time. It was a different one compared to her previous stories, so she was worried that her readers wouldn't like it. But to her surprise, her novel gained a lot of readers, inspiring her to continue writing it until she finally posted its final chapter.

"Eye!" A woman shouted outside her room, but still loud enough for her to hear. "Come on down now. It's dinner time."

"Coming!" She responded. Eye turned off her computer and grabbed her phone before going out of her room. She went down, going straight to the dining area where her mom and their helper placed some dishes on the table.

"Sit and have your dinner now." It was Eye's mother and the one who called her to come down for dinner. "You've been locked up in your room since this morning. What were you doing?"

She smiled. "Nothing, mom. Just... writing."

Eye's mother grabbed her plate and placed a portion of rice and viand on it before passing it back to her.

"Don't sit in front of the computer for too long. You might get eyesight problems." Her father stepped in, expressing his worries to his daughter.

"I know. I'm sorry, dad. I won't do it again."

"Yes, you won't because your brother will finally come back here this weekend."

Her eyes widened as she looked at her father. "He will? I thought he's going to stay there in New Zealand for the rest of his life. How about his residency training?"

"He doesn't want to work in there." Her mother said.

"His school allowed him to do his residency here, that's why he decided to come back." Her father added.

"I see. It has been years since the last time I saw him."

"That's why, stop writing for a while and spend time with your brother."

"Hmm. Yes, dad. I will."

At the university, Eye was having her afternoon break with her friends. But instead of chatting with them, she was busy spacing out while looking from a far. Her friends were already laughing and eating but she was still in a daze. Not until Becca, one of Eye's friends, snapped her fingers in front of Eye to get her attention.

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