Fantasy To Reality

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"This is Mrs. Jirawat's last will." Mr. Jainukul said as he laid a white folder on the table.

He was at the Traipipattanapong residence to discuss to the family about the will of the elder who had just passed away. The whole family was there since their presence was needed. Gulf, Fluke, and their parents were sitting on the couch across Mr. Jainukul. And their eyes suddenly shifted to the document placed on the table.

"You may open it." He softly said and Gulf's mother obliged. "Mrs. Jirawat didn't state any conditions before obtaining her possessions, actually. Everything is transferred to your name, Mr. and Mrs. Traipipattanapong. For her shop, she left it to Gulf and Fluke."

Knowing that their grandmother had left her shop to them, the two widened their eyes. Their grandmother has an ice cream shop and that shop was really precious to her.

"She left it to us?" Fluke muttered.

"Yes Fluke, she did."

"That shop was really important to her."

"You are also important to her, that's why she transferred that shop under your names. She knew that you guys are good enough to continue that business."

"But..." Mr. Jainukul suddenly paused and his facial expression changed as well, but not into a bad one though. "Despite of not stating any conditions, there's one wish that she made. And she's hoping that Gulf could fulfill it for her."


"Yes, Gulf. You."

"What is it Mr. Jainukul? What was my mother's wish?"

"Well, I wasn't surprised when I heard this from her. In my years of being a lawyer, I've encountered this kind of condition as well. But I wasn't expecting for this thing to exist in today's generation." He stated. "It was written at the last part, an arrange marriage. Mrs. Jirawat wanted Gulf to marry the grandchild of her best friend."

"Wait, what? Marry?" Gulf reacted right after Mr. Jainakul unveiled his grandmother's wish. "Me? Why me?"

"Because you're my first child." It was Gulf's mother. Her eyes were glued to the paper that she was holding as she answered Gulf's question. "She wanted you to marry the first grandchild of her best friend. Mother used to tell me about her. Her name is Natty, but that's all I know."

"Where can we find this best friend of my wife's mother?" Gulf's father finally asked.

"Mrs. Jirawat gave me information about this person and I was able to locate her just this week. But unfortunately, she died ten years ago. While searching, I found out that her lawyer was my university friend and he told me that Mrs. Yaemna, Mrs. Jirawat's best friend, also wrote this on her last will. Both of them have the same wishes in which we concluded that the two of them had agreed in marrying their first grandchildren."

"So, who is this grandchild of my grandma's best friend?" Fluke then asked. "Did she know about this already?"

"Not yet, Fluke. The daughter of Mrs. Yaemna already knew about her mother's wish, but they didn't have any information about your grandmother."

"But now that we already found them..."

"Now that we found them, we need to meet their family and talk about the marriage." Gulf's mother completed her son's statement.

"But what if I don't want?"

And they all turned silent with Gulf's question and just stared at him. If they were in his shoes, they would also freak out and refuse the sudden marriage. They all understood what he felt. But it was their grandmother's wish and she's hoping for it to be granted as well.

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