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On their break time, Ohm came at Mew's office to invite his cousin for a coffee break at the hospital's cafeteria. When he entered his cousin's office, Ohm saw how Mew's face was so solemn. Ohm entered the office when he was just ignored by his cousin. He approached the older and saw Mew watching videos on the computer on how to wash clothes without staining it and how to remove stain from clothes.

"So domestic~" Ohm cooed.

Mew rolled his eyes and closed the window tab where he was watching the videos. "What are you doing here?"

"It's coffee time!" He cheerfully exclaimed. "I want to invite you for a cup of coffee, but you are busy watching those domestic videos. Why are you watching those anyway?"

"Nothing. Just... just to get some knowledge."

"Wow~ such a great husband. Gulf is so lucky to marry someone like you."

"You're being sarcastic."

"Me? No, I'm just stating the fact."

"Well, that's not the fact. I think Gulf might be cursing me right now."

"Cursing?" Ohm raised an eyebrow as he repeated it.

"Wanna know why? Well, I washed our clothes last weekend and his white shirts got stained. I didn't know that I have to separate the colored ones from the white."

After listening at his cousin's statement, Ohm widened his eyes in disbelief and followed it with a loud laugh. He was laughing like it was already his last chance to laugh.

"Dude, you're known to be the smartest person in our family but I didn't know that you are stupid when it comes to those things."

Ohm calling him stupid made Mew to send a death glare at his cousin who's trying to calm himself down after laughing so hard and after seeing him with an intense glare.

"I told you I didn't know about it."

"Well you should have asked your husband or google it." Ohm stated. "I wonder how Gulf reacted after seeing his clothes in that state."

"Of course he looked like he's ready to kill me, Ohm."

"I think so too, P'Mew."

Looking at Mew's face, the older looked like he was totally devastated. Ohm then snorted before placing his hand on Mew's shoulder. He totally understood his cousin as he was also just like him. Being born from a rich family means you didn't have to worry about doing the house chores since there were house helpers whose job was to do those things for you.

"Come on, you're still in the process of learning all those things. It's not your fault if you make mistakes, you're actually learning that way."

"I guess I need to learn in advance. Not only about the chores, but also about my husband."

"That's actually a great idea, but how? Are you going to sit across each other and start getting to know each other?"

"Wouldn't it be awkward?" Mew asked. "But, I can feel that it is necessary to do it."

"What about you try asking Fluke? He's Gulf's brother, I'm sure he knows his brother so well."

The suggestion made Mew to look at it his cousin. Ohm's suggestion wasn't that bad though. Asking Fluke about his older brother is actually better than sitting at the dining table again and start getting to know each other. With Gulf's temperamental personality, they would probably end up fighting once again before they could even learn something from each other.

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