It's You

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It was Saturday morning and Gulf had finally woken up from his peaceful sleep when a ray of light from the sun struck on his face. He stirred from his sleep and slowly opened his eyes. He attempted to sit on the bed, but his throbbing head hindered him from doing so. He was about to lift his hand and placed it on his head when he noticed that someone was holding it. His brows furrowed and his attention shifted to the other side of his bed, checking who that person was. And when he finally saw that person, he was surprised. It was none other than his husband, Mew.

He stared at Mew who was sleeping uncomfortably beside him. The older was sitting on the floor as he placed his head on the bed while his hand was tightly holding Gulf's.

Gulf couldn't clearly remember what happened the previous night. All he remembered was that he was partying at a karaoke club with his colleagues and co-interns. He also remembered that he was brought by Mr. Nan in a hotel room and the older attempted to do something bad to him. But then, Mew came and took him home. From there, Gulf couldn't remember what happened next and how he ended up lying on his bed with his pajamas on.

He was in his pajamas.

That thought made Gulf to widen his eyes. He held the hem of the blanket on top of him and lifted it, checking if he was naked below. But no, he was perfectly wearing his pajamas both the upper and the lower part. Since he couldn't retrieve his memories from the previous night, he wasn't sure whether he was the one who put on with his clothes or it was Mew. If it was the older, surely, he would be totally embarrassed.

Though he wasn't able to remember whatever happened to him that night, he could still clearly see that his husband took care of him the whole night and the older even stayed with him, never leaving his side. He sighed as he looked at his husband this time.

Deep inside, Gulf felt thankful to the older. He knew how tired Mew was, knowing that he attended a surgery before rushing to the hotel and saved him. Gulf's mouth slowly formed into a small smile. He lifted his free hand and slowly approached it to the older. He was about to land his hand on the older's head and caressed it, when their doorbell rang. The younger got startled and hastily withdrew his hand. He slowly lie on the bed again and pretended to go back to sleep.

The doorbell continued ringing. It was really noisy that it woke Mew up from his sleep. As soon as he opened his eyes and lifted his head, Mew's attention went straight to Gulf. He withdrew his hand from holding Gulf's and placed the back of it on Gulf's forehead, checking if the younger didn't get any fever from what happened. But to his relief, Gulf was just fine.

The consecutive ring of their doorbell then got his attention. He carefully and slowly stood up as his body went numb after sleeping in that position. He got out from the younger's room, went downstairs and opened the gate to whomever their visitor early in the morning. And when he got there, the person standing behind their gate and their early morning visitor was actually Eye.

"H-hello Pi." Eye greeted him as she raised her hand. "Morning."

"Oh, Eye. Come in."

"Thanks Pi."

After receiving a permission to get inside the village, Eye followed her brother as he headed inside the house. When they got in, they both went straight to the living and sat across each other.

"Where's Pi Gulf?" Eye asked after looking around the house and didn't find the presence of Gulf.

"He's still sleeping upstairs." Mew answered with a yawn. "What brings you here, sis? Do you have some news about what happened last night?"

"Hmm!" She nodded her head. "The police were able to interrogate Mr. Nan after he woke up."

Seeing his sister eagerly nodded her head, Mew's ears quirked and his face turned serious. "And what did he say?"

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