Stay With Me

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A/N : Hello everyone! Sexual assault is mentioned in this chapter, so I would like to inform everyone that I don't have any intentions of insulting the individuals who had been through this kind of unfortunate event. Everything that is written in this chapter is purely fictional. Keep safe guys!

Weekend was supposed to be the time where Eye could take a rest from school, but she was stuck at her home reviewing her notes for their examination. She wasn't studying alone though, because Samantha was there with her. She and her friends decided to come over at Eye's house to study. But it was almost noon, and Ice and Becca weren't there yet.

"Eye, where are Becca and Ice now?" Samantha asked who's sitting on Eye's bed while having some refreshments prepared by Eye's mother.

"They are on their way now." Said Eye.

Samantha glanced at her friend who was lying on her chest while reading a book. It was not that long when she found out about Eye and her novel who's currently happening to her own brother, so she decided to open up to Eye about it.

"Oh, Eye... have you already figured out on how to help your brother get out from your story?"

The sudden brought up about the novel made Eye to slowly lift her head and look at her friend. She turned silent for a while and her gaze wandered around like she was searching for an answer to that question. "Not yet."

"Then... how about deleting the story? I watch some dramas about this and the solution is to delete the story."

"You're... You're asking me to delete my story?"

"Not asking, but it's like a suggestion you know."

"I work hard in writing that story and I'll just delete it? That's my first boys love story, I can't delete that." She sadly stated.

"Just write another one and don't ever go to Trimurti shrine and wish something like that again. Our goal here is to bring everything back to normal."

But Eye didn't say anything. She was just staring at a corner while putting on a sad look on her face. Seeing Eye with that face, Samantha let out a sigh.

"Okay, how is the story going now?"

"Well... everything that I've written actually happened."

"Really? Then how about this, let's delete one upcoming chapter and let's see if it will happen or not. If not, then we might need to really erase your work."

Eye contemplated at first. But thinking about it, her brother is more important than the story that she had written. Samantha was right. She could just write another story. And so, she sat on her bed and grabbed her laptop on the night stand table.

She looked at Samantha and said. "There is this chapter where War attended a company party. Their new manager was eyeing on him, and so he tried to drug War's drink."

"That scene is terrible. Wait, the War in your story is P'Gulf?" Samantha asked.

"Yes. And Yin is my brother."

"Woah Eye, how can you include that kind of scene in your story? Let's try deleting that one. But... what happens next?"

Eye's face distorted when her friend asked the next scene. She rolled her eyes and just continued telling her the story as she opened her laptop and went to the platform where she published her story. "War was successfully drugged, but Yin came right on time and saved him."

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