Truth And Dare

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At the ice cream shop, Fluke was checking on some newly baked cakes at the counter. He was checking if there were flaws with his cakes before putting them in the cake storage beside the counter. Across him was a table where his friend, Pine, sat and busy eating her ice cream with some notes beside it.

"Fluke, are you done with our Math activity?" Pine then asked while taking a bit of her ice cream. "I heard that we need to submit it tomorrow."

"I'll probably do it later."

"Alone? How? You suck at Math. Why can't you just join me here?"

He didn't know whether he would feel happy that his friend was worried for his grade and invited him to answer their homework together, or he would be sad for casually blurting out that he suck at Math. "Pine..."


"Are you really my friend?" He asked sarcastically with such a low voice. "How can you tell me that I suck in Math?"

"It's true anyway. Do you want me to flatter you with lies?"

"No, but you don't have to say it right in front of my face because I already know it myself."

"Are you angry at me now?"

"No. I was just saying."

"Okay okay~" She cooed. "Just continue what you are doing and I'll answer our homework here. When I'm done, I'll let you copy my answer."

"You're such a great a friend."

"Oh no, that's 50 baht per answer."

"Nevermind. I take back what I said."

Pine laughed at her friends' statement, but her smile drastically disappeared when someone jumped into their conversation.

"I can answer it and that's free of charge."

Pine and Fluke quickly turned their heads to the direction where they heard the voice. And when they did, they were shocked to see that person's presence at the shop.

"Ohm?" Fluke mumbled.

"Hi!" Ohm greeted as he waved his hand and with a wide smile painted on his face. He looked at Pine's table and waved at her as well. "Hi..."

"Pine." Pine quickly said.

"Oh Pine, hi~"

"Hi~ welcome to the shop."

"What are you doing here?" Fluke asked right away, still confused on how Ohm knew about their ice cream shop. "How did you know our shop?"

"Well... I was just walking around the area and I happened to see this shop. I remembered what you said last night and thought about eating ice cream, so I came in." Ohm explained. "I didn't know that it's actually your shop."

"Last night..." Pine murmured to herself. Her lips then formed into an 'o' upon realizing that the two were together the previous night according to the older's statements.

"Oh... I see. Then, just order what you want to eat and leave." Fluke said then asked one of the employees to assist Ohm. But before he could leave the counter and go to the kitchen, Ohm said something.

"I want you to get my order."

With that statement, but more like a command, Fluke turned to look at Ohm with his brows furrowed. He then said. "I have something to do, so I can't entertain you. Just let our staff to take care of you."

"But I want you to take care of me."

Pine's jaw instantly dropped in surprise as soon as she heard what Ohm while at the same time, Fluke widened his eyes. She then followed it with a teasing smile and shifted her attention to their homework.

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