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Mr. Limsong, the lawyer of Jongcheevevat's family, was still in his office on Friday night. His shift at the law firm was over just two hours ago, but he couldn't leave the place because there were cases that he needed to review. While reviewing one of his cases, he remembered handling the same case before and thought about searching the papers for it.

He was scanning through his drawers when he happened to see a box beside it. After seeing that box, curiosity hit him and he disregarded the idea of searching the papers that he was trying to find. Instead, he grabbed that box and lifted it, placing the box on his desk.

He opened it and a bunch of folders greeted him. He scanned through the folders since there were labels written on it. As he was checking each folder, he happened to pass by a certain folder that caught his attention.

'Natty Jirawat's Will (Revised)'

Reading the note that had been written on the folder's top tab, Mr. Limsong's brows furrowed in confusion. He grabbed that folder and opened it to read. As he was reading it, a certain statement from the will made his mouth agape. He quickly took his phone from the table and contacted Mr. Jongcheevevat, Mew's father.

"Hello Mr. Ford, good evening." He said, greeting the person on the other line while his eyes were staring at the revised will that he had just found.

"Yes, Mr. Limsong, good evening. What is it?"

"Mr. Ford, can we meet up tomorrow morning?"

"Meet up tomorrow morning? Why? Was this about the anniversary of the kids?"

"No, Mr. Ford. I mean, yes, it's about the will. But it's not about Mew and Gulf's anniversary."

"Then what is it all about, Mr. Limsong?"

"I'm afraid that I can only tell this to you personally, Mr. Ford."

"Oh, really? We'll if that's the case, then let's meet tomorrow morning at a cafe. I'll talk to my wife and will just text you the time and location."

After agreeing to what Ford said, Mr. Limsong ended the called. He stared at the revised will of Natty, Mew's grandmother, and he suddenly remembered what happened with their previous law firm office before.

A strong typhoon hit their area and because of some blocked road drainage, it resulted in a flood and the water entered the office. Luckily, Mr. Limsong was able to save all the important documents that he possessed. However, since he was in a hurry, he hastily placed his documents in a box. He wasn't able to read their labels on the top tab as he quickly shoved them inside the box.

The day before that typhoon happened, he remembered that Natty told him that she dropped by at his office and left something on his table. Due to the number of cases that he handled at that time, Natty's document was covered by the other folders that Mr. Limsong didn't get a chance to check what Natty left on his table for him.

Remembering what happened, Mr. Limsong felt bad and blamed himself. Natty's real wish wasn't granted because of him. He thought that he betrayed his client and as well as his dear friend and he promised to correct everything. And that's how he met the Jongcheevevat family the following day.

Sitting right in front of Mew's parents, Natthida and Ford, Mr. Limsong nervously placed the two folders on the table. They were meeting inside the cafe just like what Ford told him on the phone. When he placed the folders on the table, the couple sitting in front of him gazed on the folders and was confused.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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