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We have been dating for over a month and so far, the student population has FINALLY DECIDED TO GIVE US A FREAKING BREAK! - Thank god!

We were now all seated at the table, having our break. Me, Clyde, Ash, Al on Dan's lap, Leo, Louis and a girl I have recently befriended, Emma.

She was a pretty soft spoken girl i met during Calculus last week, the only class that me and Clyde don't share which sucks, BIG TIME! She's a wheel-chair bound person which just melts my heart every time I see how positive she was towards life.

When she was 9, she met with a car-accident, killing her parents, leaving her as the only survivor. From then on, she was unable to move about without her wheel-chair. She said that this University had given her a place here and the good thing was that all classes here was on the first floor which in her previous school was not the case.

At first, she was shy around us but soon, she started to loosen up to Ash and became loud and annoying, ganging up with Ash. But like the quotes say, never judge a book by it's cover, how true.

I swear i could see a thing or two there between them but Ash being the dork he is, was too shy to ever admit it.

I miss Al! But she had swapped her classes for Dan's after much persuasion from me. Now the only classes we shared were Vocal classes. Sigh.

Emma tapped me on the shoulders and I spun around, "Do you mind if I speak to you in private for a sec?" I looked towards Clyde to see him starring at me with a curious look cocking his head to one side.

I smiled at his adorable expression and pressed my lips down to his lightly before saying, "Break's almost over, I'll head to Calculus with Em. See you after? " He pouted but nodded. I turned away to only be pulled back by Clyde to met his delicious lips once more. He whispered, "Love you."

Before placing another kiss and letting me go. "Love you too." I laughed as I Wheeled Emma to class to see that the class was only occupied with a few people. So we took our seats at the back as there was no one there.

"Okay, spill."

"Erm, how should I put this? Recently I kind of had a major crush on this guy... You could also call it love at first sight.." Are you seriously holy pancakes kidding me? Is she finally admitting that she likes Ashton as more than a friend? Wait, we need some solid evidence.

I interrupted her, "Who?"

She look at me before saying, "Troy." My heart plummeted to way down. What? Not Ashton?

"Troy who?"

"Tr..Troy Anderson."

Who the heck is Troy Anderson anyway?

God, this is confusing.

I came out of my internal battle and tried my best to sound like a good friend, but totally failing at that. I plastered on a weird smile and my voice came out strangled,

"Oh, wow... Fantastic..."

Ya right.

"Do I know him?"

She looked at me weirdly at first, probably from my strangled tone, but then shrugged it off with her over enthusiastic self. Gosh, this girl is so whipped!

She jumped into a totally frenzy describing that he's hot, tall, bla bla bla.

Talk about weird.

She ended with a, "He's having calculus with us by the way."

My eyes bulged from my sockets.


"He's having calculus with - Here he comes!"

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now