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Chapter 15 - Part 2


I anxiously started pacing up and down the living room.

Clyde has not been answering my calls or messages. Where was he? He had said that he had gone out to get something but that was like about 1 hour 15 minutes ago!

Fear started to built itself up in me. I don't know why but the thought of him not being by my side had me feeling cold, insecure qand maybe...empty?

My phone vibrated only to have me jumping out of my own skin. Why was I so jumpy? Weird. I fished it out of my pocket to see that it as Clyde that messaged me.

Go to the Plasma TV. See a small treasure box towards the right on the counter? Open it and take the piece of paper out. Follow the instructions on it. Cya soon!

Okayy... explaination? Someone?

I walked towards the Plasma TV and opened the small vintage looking treasure box that was adorned with exquisite diamonds.

I hesitantly lift the lid and spotted a neatly folded note at the bottom. I unfolded the note and read the beautiful scrawl,

1.Walk out of the main door

2.Follow the candles

3. See an "X" ?

4. Use the wooden stick lying on the sand and start digging on the "X" .

Hurry, I'm waiting.

xo Clyde xo

I rolled my eyes. Another guessing game? He has been making me do that, ALOT.

I took my phone with me and with the piece of instructions, following the directions as I walked out of the beach house, closing the door behind me.

The sky was slowly darkening, casting the sky in a mixed of orange with violet over the horizon.

I looked to the ground to see an endless row of candles aligned in two lines, one after another at the sides, creating a pathway for me to walk through.

I smiled as the candles reminded me of a plane that was about to land, and there would be lights like this to signal the plane to safety landing. Okay, totally random and weird, I know.

The pathway was covered with soft looking petals. I walked through between the lit candles and as I took a sharp turn to my right around the house, I gasped in shock as my hand flew over my mouth.

"Oh my..." Is this really all done by Clyde?

I was completely astounded and at a loss for words. The surrounding trees including the bushes were decorated in golden, orange, white and red Christmas lighting draped all around them, the candles that led the way were lit in different coloured bell jars. The whole place felt enchanted, mystical and magical-like, close to coming alive. There were light bugs dancing around the trees, like little fairies.

It looks exactly like a scene taken out of the peter-pan movie. Was this all made by magic or was it Clyde that had done all this...for me? My brain was slowly digesting the scene in-front of me.

My eyes darted everywhere in amazement as I slowly strode through this enchanted magical place. I walked down a couple flights of steps before my eyes landed on the most incredible scene in front of me!

There was a huge heart in the middle of the sand ground made up of a thousand roses, outlined by red bell jars of candles against the soft looking sand.

I took my heels off placing it at the end of the concrete walkway before taking up the wooden stick that laying in the sand and gently walked bare footed to the middle of the heart where the "X" lay.

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now