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Chapter 2.



“ADDIE MIRANDA JACKSON!!! YOU GET YOUR BUTT DOWN RIGHT NOW OR I’M GONNA DRAG YOU DOWN! EASY WAY OR THE HARD WAY! ” Alessandra sounded annoyed. I rolled my eyes. She's forever impatient!

I threw on my finishing touches of my light make up and I'M READY TO GO!

"CHILL OUT I'M COMING! " I screamed down the stairs. I quickly picked up my Chanel clutch and slowly walked down the stairs.

What? I was wearing heels alright. Don't wanna fall to my death when its the most important day of my life.


Oh right. Introduction.

Hi, I'm Addie Miranda Jackson. I'm 19 turning 20 and studying here in the heart of NYC at The Julliard Music academy. My height is 176cm. I know right? Tall. But I'm not complaining.

I lead a pretty sweet life with my best friend AKA sister Alessandra Jackson and Best friend no.2, Ashton.

I'm hardly emotional but when I do get emotional, I tend to, like Al says, go crazy. You have no idea how crazy I am, I was told that I should be wearing yellow caution tape, I'm that bonkers.

I like eating Sushi, Nandos, Lasagna, Bolognese, Mango puddings, Ice-cream, Gummy Bears, Jelly, Hot and Spicy Potato Chips, Hersey's cookies & cream chocolate, wine gums, Ice (I know, weird. But I like chewing on Ice), chili crabs, Instant noodles (Best thing invented on earth!!), like veges but hate carrots, fish, broccoli, long beans, peas, Cauliflowers and anything bitter.

I'm also a HUGEEE animal lover.

When I was Ten, Mum and Dad brought me, Al and Chase to the Zoo and we ended up making a huge scene because I was crying the whole way begging Mum to buy me a Polar bear as a pet. I remembered that I was also willing to give up my bathtub to house him in there. You can't judge base on that people, cause to a girl like me, the bathroom means EVERYTHING!

Mum had to counsell me for quite a while to tell me that my bathtub would not be able to house a polar bear.

What? Like I said, I was only TEN for crying out loud!

I believe in many things, and still do!

For instance, I believe that there's a school like Hogwarts, I also believe that Voldemort exist. I believe that werewolves do exist and that I am maybe, just maybe one of their mates (I know, that would be the coolest thing ever!)!

I believe in love at first sight. I believe that at the end of the rainbow there's always a pot of gold (I've been keeping a look out for it!). I believe that if you believe in something, then it will come true, no matter what it is.

Here's a secret people. I'm actually living the dream of becoming one of those angels! I'm a model for Victoria Secret. Our company pays for our living expenses. So money wise... No problem! We get a pretty decent income doing those runway shows too.

And no matter how much my parents wanted to pay for my fees at Julliard's, I would not accept. They are actually my foster parents.

See, when i was around nine, a van arrived at the Jackson's house with me in the back. I have absolutely no idea how i ended up there. The only thing I had on me was a ring necklace. There was an engraving in side the steel ring, "Adrielle Anderson, 08 November 1992."

I had a major memory loss and could not remember anything from before. You wanna know the story?

The kind Jackson family took me in and treated me like their own daughter! It was amazing to be part of a family with a sister as a best friend, an super crazily annoying over protective bother and loving parents. I would call it the perfect family. End of story.

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum