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Chapter 26

Clyde, AL, Dan, Louis, Troy, Emma, Anna and Jackie sat there starring at me.

"Is there like a party going on that I'm not informed about? " I walked forward and sat on the ground beside the lovers couch where it was occupied by Clyde and Louis.

"Hey Beautiful. You smell tempting." Clyde got off from the lovers seat and pulled me up against his chest, placing me on his lap. I caved in to his hard sculptured abs and felt Clyde's arms tightened around me.

"Hey handsome, I know I do." I smirked and squealed as he poke my sides playfully.

"Hey Addie! We're here like for a house-warming party?" Louis made it sound like a question as everyone around murmured "Hi's" and "Heys."

I looked at Anna weirdly as she was sitted on the other side of the room on a purple lovers couch with Troy and, - THEY ARE FREAKING HOLDING HANDS! OH.MY.GOD!!!

Anna saw my skeptic look and her expression changed to- a guilty expression?

"Addie..." She fumbled with the hem of her skirt as her mumbled out the last part.

"Sorryaboutlasttimewhenitreatedyousobadly." What did she say?


"Sorry about last time when-"

Oh... "Nah its okay. " I smiled. What's the point in keeping grudges?

"So- We're cool?" She asked, hesitant.

"Yep!" I said popping the 'P'. I could already feel that the new Anna was much better than the previous Anna. She changed her fake blonde hair for chocolate brown which suits her much better. She also wore an addias shirt with Khaki shorts. It was like seeing a whole new Anna.

I could see Troy giving me a grateful look and that everyone had loosen up. All except one.

"Where's Leo?"

"Don't know. Probably knocking up some girl in his house." Louis replied in a lazy tone.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Leo. "What's with this atmosphere? Who wants hot chocolate?"

There came a shouting of "Me!" The weather was turning cooler as mid-October approaches.

I stood up to have Clyde spin me around and crashing his lips to mine. "I want the extra large cup."

I chuckled and peck him again. "Sure."

Fifteen minutes or so later, I had 8 Cups of Hot Chocolate, a bowl of popcorn, four bags of different flavoured chips and a bowl of Jackie's snacks.

"Mine!" Louis ran to me and whip up the cup from the tray, causing the drink to spill down his front and to the floor.


"Opps, sorry!" A maid came hurrying with a cloth in hand. I told her that I would clean the mess but she was having none of it, insisting in her polite tone, "No madame, I'll do it." She quickly cleaned the mess and bow before leaving.

I walked to the living room to see Emma, Jackie and Al deeply engrossed in watching Twilight while the guys were playing poker.

"Hot Chocolate's here!" I took Jackie's bowl and set it on the floor as she licked my toe while wagging her tail.

Immediately, everyone swarmed around me, grabbing a cup. Clyde first, getting the biggest, then Al, the second biggest and the rest being the same before they jumped right back to their video gaming addiction.

There was a cup left on the tray, mine. But seeing the look on Louis's face was heart-breaking. He looked like he woke up on Christmas morning to notice that there was no presents for him under the tree.

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now