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Chapter 23



Addie was shaking all over and a sense of Deja vu struck me.

I wrapped my arms around her tiny petite as i tried my best to calm her nerves but at the same time I could feel mine building on.

Why was my angel this terrified?

She held to my hands tightly and I could feel her quivering frame relax a little.

I did not noticed that I was starring at Addie for quite awhile that when Mr Adams barked at no one in particular, I almost jumped out of my skin.

I saw some movement under the covers, probably a prank?

"I suggest if you are playing a prank here, you better own up or I'm taking this case to the head-master and having you expelled." I noted a hint of fear in Mr Adams tone as he stood infront of the black clothed person.

My gaze slowly moved to Andy who had staggered back from the gift box.

I hadn't realised that he went forward to lift the box up and had opened the lid. Seriously man? How fucking dumb can he be?

The moment he lifted the lid, he immediately yelled and threw the box to the floor which unfortunately landed right in-front of Anna's clique, the content of the box went flying everywhere causing quite a stir.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Andy yelled, throwing the box forward before staggering back several steps right in a pissed-off looking Mr Adams who steadied him.

He flinched from Mr Adam's touch and back off towards the side of the class, pushing desks and chairs out of his way till he was backed up against the wall. What's up with him?

His entire frame quivering with fear as he slid down to the floor, his eyes tearing up in a horror-struck expression.

Mainly the people standing towards the right were splashed with the red liquid, splattering them on every inch of their body.

But what scared me most was not the red liquid that spilled out of the gift box that went spluttering around, but the two palms that went flying, one landed directly in front of Addie and me.

The other palm went flying to the middle where everyone shunned it just in time for it to land on the ground.

Jason walked forwards in a taunting way while laughing.

"Andy, its just a prank man, man it up a little. Surely you aren't scared of something like this are you?" He smirked and bent down to picked the severed palm off the ground, holding it in his. How can this be a prank? That hand there looked too real to be true!

"It- it looks real Jay, I-I think its real."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "You're just a whimp Andy." He made a child-like face at him and everyone laughed. Well, not everyone, not me.

For once, I am surprise to say that Andy did not even retort with his colourful use of vocabulary.

Jason continued toying with the severed-hand around, playing with the fingers, twisting it in all kind of odd angles while entertaining the class with his fucking sick jokes, which on the contary just makes a wrenching feeling bubble up in my stomach.

It was covered in blood red-liquid, dripping all over the ground. I took a deep breath in and smelled something, blood.

As I starred at the hand that was on the ground facing us, there was this eerie familiarity. Like as if I knew who those hands belonged to...

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now