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Chapter 16

I was roughly awoken by Al jumping on the bed!

How can someone as small as her me as loud as a train? That's completely beyond me !

"Shut up" I groaned. Throwing the pillow over my head, covering my ears with it.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP! Don't say I didn't warn you!"

I lifted my head to stare at the clock. 9:15am. It's still early! WHAT'S THE PROBLEM WITH THIS WOMAN?!

"ADDIE! CLYDE'S HERE!" I immediately shot up.

"WHAT?!" My heart went thunderng against my chest like a hammer from the inside.

"Yeah, he's here like since 9 or- HE ! Don't you throw that pillow at me missy!"

"Why didn't you-"

"Tell you that he's here? Erm, let's see! I tried telling that to you like 7 seconds ago and you just ignored me. So what were you saying just now?" She had her arms akimbo and that smirk that showed that she was right. I hate it during situations like this...

The moment I heard that he was here, my heart and brain went into a MAJOR FRENZY MODE! Yesterday still felt like a dream i did not want to wake up from, but now this? This is a nightmare! What if Clyde sees me like this?!

I rushed into my bathroom and took a quick shower, dried my hair with the towel, then used the hair-dryer to dry it, then curled it. I took my fringe and used it to tie a french braid which I clipped up to the side, leaving the rest of my hair as it is. I was in a browny mood today and brown seemed like the perfect colour to suit my mood. Warm and snuggly. 

So I choosed a black singlet and a brown romper to go with, the bottom being shorts-like. I applied light foundation on my face and eyeliner. I added on lip-gloss and ran towards my bedside where the angel necklace was placed by the side.

I gently grabbed it and and clipped it around my neck. I looked into my body-frame mirror and I have to say I look good. The necklace was just so beautifully lying there, in it's rightful place.

Gently, I lifted it and flipped it over seeing the words engraved there, C <3 A. I smiled and my heart rate accelerated at the thought of seeing Clyde in a while.

I took my Brown bucket-bag and threw in a black cardigan, my pill box, wallet, phone, IPOD, bracelet (the one that Ad gave Belle, the walkie-talkie bracelets.), mini make-up set... etc

I slip on my fravourite flats Al got for me last Christmas and headed down the stairs. I could hear Dan and Clyde's laughter floating upwards and I smiled at it. The moment I reached the bottom of the stairs, I dropped my bag by the table near the doorway and made my way to the kitchen.

I saw that Clyde was wearing a Drey long sleeve V-neck with Black skinny Jeans. His ruffled blonde looked as perfect as ever.

"Hey guys! "

Clyde's head snapped up in my direction and his eyes scanned up and down my body, no words seeming to escape his lips.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." Everyone burst into laughter.

"Morning Ad!" Dan grinned at me.

"Morning pig!" Al smirked at me.

"Morning danny boy, morning log." Dan glared in my direction while Al High-fived me. I looked towards Clyde to see that he was smiling down adorably at me. *SCREAMSSS* 

Heleaned down capturing my lips whispering against it in a husky voice, "Morning beautiful. You look gorgeous."

I leaned further up pressing my lips against Clyde's before whispering, "Morning cookie boyfriend. You look sexy as forever."

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now