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Chapter 22

Al had slept over at Dan's, Ash had gone to bunk with one of his new girlfriend (guys like him sure change fast), leaving the apartment to me and Jackie, how nice.

Clyde wanted to spend the night over but I insisted that he went back because Belle was alone and I did not like the idea of her being alone.

So here I am preparing for FRIDAY!

Last day of the weekend!

Did you guys ever notice? the week goes like this '




W-ednesday (What)

T-hursday (The)

F-riday (Fuck)


I know right? Ironic. I HATE THE DAYS WTF!

I crawled out of bed to the bathroom to tame my hay-stack like of a hair. I did my daily morning routine and pulled on my clothes, grabbing my bag and hopping down the stairs.

"Jackie!" She came running up to me while I picked her up.

I kissed her forehead like I usually do every morning. Looking towards the clock hung up above the TV, I realised it was still early.

"Let's watch Spongebob!" Jackie jumped out from my arms and waltz her way to the living room. I chuckled at her impatience.


I checked my watch, time to set off to school!

I slipped on my Prada tee and ripped jeans. And wore my Chanel pumps that I've just gotten from Al last Christmas. Leaving my hair alone to it's natural waves and applying only a thin layer or sun block before heading out.

My phone vibrated and I took it out to see "Seven New Messages from xo Clyde cookie xo <3 "

Clyde: Morning baby, can't wait to see your beautiful smile to brighten up my life! I love you. <3

Me: Love you too baby, <3 I'm leaving the house now, cya

I chuckled and slip my phone into my pocket, turning to Jackie.

"Remember to take your meals, no skipping." I said in a stern voice as she gave me a small whine, brushing her soft silky fur against my leg.

I laughed and stepped out of the apartment closing the door behind me. I was feeling lazy and did not feel like walking that ten minutes walk to school.

So I took my car. The feeling for getting my car back was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

Mum had called me yesterday to tell me that they had my Ferrari 458 Italia shipped over! SCOREE!!!

The feeling of driving again was exhilarating. Within minutes, I pulled into the school and EVERYONE was starring like as if it was way back to the first day of school again.

I realised that through my tinted windows, nobody was able to make out who was behind the wheel.


I climbed out and there was a collective gasps from around.

Me and Al decided to not wear our contacts or glasses as it was starting to get on my nerves and I so preferred my bluish greys.

The wolf whistling and screaming were followed which just reminded me in the first place of why I wanted to do the disguise thing all over again.

I walked up to Clyde seeing that he was leaning against the car door, his eyes raking up and down my body.

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now