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Chapter 15


I gave Clyde a small peck before pushing him out of the door to play with Jackie while I changed for the date.

I STILL CAN'T FREAKING BELIEVE IT THAT I'M GOING ON A DATE WITH BOSTON'S KING PLAYER, CLYDE PRINCETON! Although I'm not a fan of that fact, but recently, he was really changing. And to say the least, that's what I've never expected from him, even in a million years.

Wrapping a towel around me, I walked into my walk-in-closet to choose my clothes to wear for the day, picking a blue three-quarter sleeve lacy dress which went up to mid thigh showing off my long tan legs going with a beautiful heart-shaped necklace which Chase got me during my Fifteenth birthday. I wore a pair of small metal bearings ear studs. I left my hair as it was seeing as it was perfectly curled.

I threw on some eye-liner, Mascara, lip gloss and I was officially ready to go! I stood up and wore my silver Lace-up Metallic Lattice Booties 4 inch heels which had a special intertwining design to above my ankles.

Slowly, I walked down the stairs and I could hear Spongebob talking to Patrick.

Patrick: I'll tell you the story of the Ugly Barnacle. There once was an ugly Barnacle. He was so ugly, everybody died. The End.

I chuckled and walked down the stairs to see Clyde sitting with his back facing towards me patting Jackie and laughing along with Songebob. I walked forwards to stand behind the couch.

Clyde came round and the moment his eyes met mine, I could feel butterflies in my stomach fluttering around giving me a weird feeling as his eyes rake my body.

"Hey beautiful, you look stunning."

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself."

Clyde chuckled and peck me lightly on the forehead. He had kept his Black skinny Jeans on but changed his top into a red checkered long sleeved shirt which he rolled up. To say the truth, he looked like a runway model!

I was so tempted to run my hair through his soft blonde hair, but kept the urge. He held out his hands and I took it in mine enjoying the sparks that exploded through me.

"Can I try something?" Okay... What's this about?

"Erm.. yeah?"

"I want to do this the right way Addie."


Without a word, Clyde pulled me to the front of the door where it was wide open. He stepped out to the porch before letting go of my hands.

"What are you trying to do? Aren't we going off?"

"I told you Addie, I'm doing it right this time. This isn't the player everyone has been telling you about. I don't want to return to my old ways Addie. You'll be the very first and very last girl I'll be doing this for."

"Doing what?"

He smiled his cute boyish smile and pulled the front door shut. 

I just stood there, completely baffled at his sudden action. So, what now? Just then the door bell rang.

Without any clue of what Clyde was planning, I opened the door and to say I was shocked would be a major understatement!

There stood Clyde Princeton, a huge bouquet of roses covering his entire face in one hand and another hand hugging a huge life-size teddy which had the words, "Addie Jackson, will you be my date today?"

Speechless, I just stood there for a good few secinds in silence, starring at the teddy bear, dumb-founded.

Clyde then moved the bouquet of flowers from his face and his eyes landed on mine, both filled with honesty and sincerity.

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now