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I slipped into my purple stone-washed jeans, "I'm cool" Colourful tee, my angel necklace, my silver ring which has "Adrielle; 08 Nov 1994" I guess that's my birth name? I don't know.

I put in my contacts and pushed the square rimmed glasses up my nose , I slipped on my flats and slung my turquoise bag over my shoulder just as Clyde came in, "Hey beautiful."

I leaned into him and seeing that he was leaning down, I tip-toed up to reach my lips to his gently.

"WOULD YOU LOVE BIRDS HURRY CAUSE WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Ash yelled from below. We broke apart laughing as we descended the stairs, my hand in his.

"Let's go!"


As we walked into the campus grounds, Dan came from out-of-no-where and hugged Al from behind, startling all of us as Al squealed.

Ashton and I were squabbling about Whether Spongebob was cooler than Patrick, or the other way round. Clyde had his hands around my waist hugging me towards his side.

My stand : Spongebob is way cooler than Patrick.

Ash's stand : Patrick is way cooler than Spongebob.

Than we started asking everyone for votes, more like begging actually. The final result is,

Those who supports Addie's stand : Clyde, Dan and Al

Those who supports Ash : -Nil-


I jumped up and down clapping my hands laughing while Ash pouted, "No fair! You have your boyfriend and best friend and best friend's boyfriend supporting! ITS ILLEGAL! ITS ALLIANCE! NOOO! "

Awww, is someone about to burst into tears?

"Aww Ashy, don't be too upset just because Spongebob's WAY COOLER, " Ash turned to scowl at me while I smiled smugly,

"I'll treat you to Pizza later during break at the most!"


"Pinky swear!"


"I know." Ash ripped me from Clyde's arms pulling me into a massive hug, lifting me off the ground.

Everyone laughed at our little scene as Clyde lightly place his hands on my hips, "You're attracting a lot of unwanted attention from all the male population with your sexy laughter."

Clyde whispered huskily as I shivered. I looked around and the whole campus was practically starring at us. Girls glaring, guys looks with envy.

"Are you included in the 'Male-population'?" I lifted my fingers and did the air quotes as I wrapped my hands around his hips.

His eyes soften considerably as lifted his eyebrows and smirked, "Yeah." Clyde leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, nuzzling the tip of his nose along my jaw line.

"Then you don't have to worry, cause i'm all yours." I turned to walk towards the lecture hall when Clyde wrapped his hands around my tummy, my head leaning into the crook of my neck.

"Damn straight, you're only mine!" Before smashing his lips against mine. I love his possesive side! Its kind of hilarious sometimes when other guys came near me and he got all jealous. He looks so cute!

Not that I was going to mention that to him.

We watched as Ash tried to break apart the now full on snogging couple, Al and Dan. Al just flicked him off without breaking the kiss with Dan. Just in time, she pointed her middle finger towards my direction.

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang