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Chapter 24


It has been 4 weeks since the deaths.

Through the past three weeks, we had been visiting the police station regularly providing information that would lead them to the killer.

Apparently, the day that 'she' died, another woman, in her late fifties, working as a cleaner in our school has also been brutally murdered.

Her...her face was sliced into two and forced into the bowl of a female's toilet, in a kneeling position.


I desperately wanted to know.

During these past few weeks, parents have been taking their child out of our school, transferring them to another school.

But the murderer had not leave any clues behind. The authorities had said that it was an inside job but, who ? Mr Adams, due to that incident, suffered a heart attack and has handed in his resignation letter.

The school was closed for further investigations.

Meanwhile, Mum and Dad had insisted that me, Alessandra and Ashton to fly immediately back to New York. But after much persuasion, she allowed us to stay, only after a few hours of persuasion and promising her that we would not step out of the house or invite strangers over.

We told Nancy to stay home and not come over for awhile due to this serial killer on the lose. She agreed and stocked our apartments with a month long supply of food. I love her, she's just like my second mum.

Clyde had been the most supportive person by my side ever since waking up from the hospital.

I remembered everything, everything before I lost my memory.

I had not told anybody but I was thinking of a time to tell Clyde and Al, but I have totally no idea how to broach the subject with them.

Clyde has not left my side, not even once. I was having an extremely difficult time coping with the flashing images of my past memories and the present memories of the murder scene, still fresh, like a ghost, haunting me day and night.

I was released from the hospital after 3 days of admission and told to have plenty of rest.

Like that would help my current condition.

During the past few weeks, on several occasions, I would break down in tears, but Clyde, Al and Ash had never complained of me being a hindrance or being too emotional, whatever the crap.

But they would always be there to be my shoulder to lie on and hug me till the tears are no longer there, whispering words of encouragement to me. As the weeks goes by, I get better and better and all I felt was guilt for giving Clyde and Al such a hard time, especially Clyde.

A week ago, Clyde had came to a conclusion and had a talk with me.


We were hanging out as usual in my apartment watching 'The Vampire Diaries.' I sat upright while Clyde had his head laid across my laid on the couch. My hands automatically went to his smooth ruffled hair, gently stroking it, loving the feel of it against my skin.

Like any other days, It was a normal stormy night in the middle of the rainy September season. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I jumped out of my skin and immediately cowered into the arms of Clyde, not daring to open the door. Not wanting to see him...

"Shhh Angel.... I reckon its just the Pizza guy." I knew I was overreacting but what were the odds that he was not coming here for me?

Like Edward Cullen had said, "The odds are always stacked against us..."

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant