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(CLYDE'S POV - 6 Year old)

"Adrielle Anderson, would you marry me?"

Both her hands flew up to cup themselves over her mouth as she giggled her high-pitched jingle bell-like laughter and nodded her head.

Her mahogany brown hair danced around her small framed face, as her bluish-grey eyes sparklled with excitement, her white dress and tiara making her look like a princess. My princess.

Slowly, I leaned down, closing my eye lids like the way they do in movies, I pressed my lips to her perfectly plump shaped lips.

Time seemed to momentarily stop, as there was a gentle breeze that blew past, making the moment even more magical... my first love, our first kiss...

I brought from around my back, a bunch of multi-coloured flowers that I had plucked from my Mum's garden and a self-made ring which I had decorated with glitter from the help of Aunt Tiffany. It was totally tedious work!

Addie's eyes widened and she gasps while taking the flowers from me.

"Flowers!" She squealed and grabbed the bundle from me. Starring at it in amazement while she jumped up and down repeatedly while bringing it to her small little nose. Taking a whiff of it would just send her bubbling in happiness all over again.

I chuckle lightly at her excitement. She was every bit the definition of an angel, my angel.

Gently, I took her hand just like what Daddy told me and kissed each finger gently. I took the 'Ring' from my pocket and slipped it on for Addie. She starred at it for a moment, momentarily stumped.

"THANK YOU!" A smile she couldn't fight was permanently stamped on her face as she couldnt stop exploring the glittery ring under the sun. She just lit up!

Butterflies burst into my stomach, fluttering maniacally by just looking her.

Unexpectedly, she pounced on me, her hands going round my waist, hugging me.

"Woah!" I staggered a few feet back as I balanced myself. At the same time, my arms automatically wrapped themselves around her small petitie frame.

She giggled and snuggled into my embrace. And at that point in time, I felt the the luckiest guy on earth. I wouldn't have mind to just stand there forever in her embrace.

Slowly, I tilt my head down to plant a long and sweet lingering kiss on the middle of her head, her vanilla shampoo scent waffling up to my nose.

I moved my head and whispered softly, "I love you."

"Aww, how sweet! Honey! Let me take a picture of both of you!" To say I was shock was an understatement. I jumped in fright and probably leaped up in the air for about a meter.

"Mum!" I groaned, annoyed. Here I am, confessing to the girl I love and there she goes interrupting me!

"Aw, don't be such a party popper Clyde!" She whined. Talk about Irony?

Sometimes I feel like the adult here instead of mum. But nevertheless, I love her

"... and smile!" I zoned in to what Mum was going on about before I could react, there was an almost inaudible, "snap" and after, comes the blinding flash.

Our mums squealed like they were five year olds all over again, "I so need to develop this photo right now!"

The Polaroid came sliding out as mum laid it on the garden bench before walking to join Dad and Aunt Tiffany by the riverside. It has been some sort of an old tradition to have a picnic every once a week, not that I'm complaining.

MY TAINTED LOVE STORY. (OH HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now