Bullying (tag)

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So Always_Love_Books_ tagged me for this where I guess you talk about bullying and your life.

So Me...

My schools have all been pretty small with about 20ish kids in my grade. So if you had a problem with someone it was kinda out in the open. So it was less bullying and more a problem with a person..

In fourth grade... (my classes had 4, 5 and 6th grade in one room. Montessori is weird)

I started hanging out more with a new 6th grader rather than my best friend. The girl was new and I wanted to be nice.

So things were fine at first. Then the more I hung out with the 6th grade girl the more annoyed my friend got.

She was just aggravating in the beginning, stuffing snow down our backs and then following me around even when I told her to stop.

Then one day during gym I asked her why she was upset when we were playing her favorite game in gym- capture the ball [flag].

Her response was to sink her teeth in my arm.

That is when I ended the friendship. But she still followed me.

Then she told a teacher that I was bullying her.

She bit me!

I tried avoiding her it semi worked and she left the next year. (I still crossed out her picture in my year book) I Never saw her again thankfully.

That's my story...

So I tag:


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