Chp. 8- Hostages

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Chp. 8- Hostages

3rd Person POV

2 Days Later

"I'm boreddddd," Tony Stark groans as he flops on the couch another drink in hand.

"Shut up Tony," Natasha growls not wanting to have this conversation... Again.

"Come on! How are you people not bored?! A war is supposed to start soon and we just have to sit here! And Pepper won't even let me throw a party while we wait!" The rest of the Avengers groan in reply.

"The gods orders were clear. We need to wait for Perseus to contact us," Thor states. "And I rather not have him on my bad side."

"Thor the kid is younger than you!-"

"And stronger. We cannot do anything until we are contacted."

"Why can't Percy just call us already!" Tony yells exasperated throwing his hands up in the air. Surprisingly not spilling a drop of his alcohol (Probably the years of practice).

"Jeez. If you missed me that bad you could've just said something," A amused voice calls. The Avengers turn to see a screen with an amused Percy.

"What can we do for you Lord Perseus?" Clint asks with a bow, trying to get on Percy's good side. To his dismay Percy scowls.

"Don't bow. And don't call me that. It's Percy Katniss. Now. I will come get you in a minute. We need to upgrade your weapons. Those won't kill monsters. Only aggravate them. With the exception of Thor. Sadly that includes you Eyepatch. Athena thinks it's a good idea." Percy says nothing more and slashes his hand through the mist disconnecting. The Avengers pause before scrambling to get their stuff.

A bright flash of light later Percy appears he nods to Thor and Bruce as the others run back and forth trying to make sure they have everything. To occupy his time Percy takes care to raid the fridge.

Clint and Natasha are the first to return with their things. Closely followed by Fury. Steve comes back shield slung over his back. Another ten minutes later Tony arrives finally wearing his suit.

"You get lost?" Percy asks before taking a bite of a sandwich.

"That's my food!" Tony yells.

"This is taking my time. Just hold hands we need to teleport over." The Avengers reluctantly grab hands and Percy orders for them the close their eyes.

Natasha POV

"Open." We open our eyes to find ourselves on Olympus. Percy leads the way down toward the Cabins. He stops infront of a Cabin which appears to have smokestacks. Percy knocks on the door. A moment later that kid from the other day, Leo steps out. Covered in a ton of what looks like grease stains. I stare wide eyed at the forge looking room behind him.

We stand slightly confused waiting.

"Well?" Leo asks. "For Super Mcshizzle to upgrade your weapons I need them!"

"Wait your going to fix them?" Tony asks slightly confused.

"He's a son of Hephestus. Of course he is. He's also the best besides his dad," Percy answers like he speaking to a toddler.

"Wow Perce. You care," Leo says wiping away a fake tear. Percy rolls his eyes.

Clint hands over his arrows and Leo examines them.

"Regular... Some explosive... Ooh maybe I can rig some with Greek Fire."

"For the Hunters or Apollo cabin. I don't trust him." Clint tightens his jaw and tries not to comment. Next Steve hands over his shield.

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