Chapter Three: Brother's In Arm

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"Swish and flick Tom."

"That's what I'm doing!" Tom exclaimed, following Myrddin's instruction.

"Well, concentrate and stop looking at me!"


Riddle exclaimed before taking in a deep breath. His gaze focused on the small statue Myrddin made for him to control.

"Simple enchantment. Vita beneficium."

"I know! Just let me concentrate."

Myrddin silenced himself immediately, distancing himself from the boy. Tom held out his wand and enforced his gaze onto the statue. He swished his wand in the air.

"Vita Beneficium!" Tom exclaimed, flicking his wand towards the statue.

A bright sparkle of magic shot from his wand. It latched onto the statue before it suddenly drew a sword from its sheath. Myrddin smiled with proudness.

"That's very good, Tom. Although this statue is not fully enchanted."

"What do you mean? I did it perfectly."

Myrddin outstretched his hand, holding it out towards the statue.


The statue would begin to push itself forward. When this happened, the statue fell forward. Immediately shattering into a thousand pieces.

Tom's face fell into a frown. A frown that radiated wicked hatred.

"Don't worry, Tom. I didn't get it on my first few tries, either."

"I do everything you ask, and yet I get no progress!"

He exclaimed, outstretching his wand, holding it directly in front of Myrddin.

"Focus on every part of the statue. Split it into 4 parts. Arms and legs. Things that move."

"Make another one then!"

Ton pulled his wand away and looked over to Myrddin. With a wave of his wand, Myrddin spawned another statue. It's simple in design but it would suit its job easily.

"Focus on every detail.."

Tom held up his wand. He examined the statue's every detail like an eagle examining its prey. He took in a deep breath before he swished his wand in the way.

"Piertotum locomotor!"

With those words, the statue came alive, pulling its sword from its sheath. It jumped forward with a great strike in its movement.

A smile curled itself onto Myrddin's face. Myrddin let out a light chuckle before he walked over to the Riddle boy.

"Very good. Now, you can enchant anything with life. Or the illusion of it."

"You should teach Myrddin."

"I wish to be an Auror rather than teach. But I get your point." Myrddin stated, walking over to sit down on a bench made from what remained from a cut down tree.

He tossed his wand between his hands. With Tom perfecting his wand movements. When Myrddin pulled himself from his seating.

"Well, enjoy your summer, Tom. I oughta get packed."

"Alright, you too." Riddle responded, continuing to flick his wand.

Myrddin let off a little laugh before bending down to pick up his satchel, the satchel itself was rather worn: it was made of brown leather, stitched together with pattern sheets that tightly pulled it together, the band that wrapped around his shoulder was a braid of strands of yarn, leather, and string. This satchel looked as if it had gone through adventure after adventure.

Indeed, the enchanted satchel of Merlin: a satchel passed down from each generation of the Wilde family was something that seen battle. The bag was said to have a thousand pockets. Able to hold anything that is put inside it.

Myrddin continued on through the forest. Jumping and crawling over each fallen log. The dark forest itself was a rather ravishing place. It's shadowy nature deemed to call out to Myrddin.

Myrddin, after all, was a rather bright light amongst the veils of shadows found within Slytherin. His own house spawned a rather odd nature of dominating breeds that are not fully wizards. In other words, prejudice against all those who are not pure bloods.

If anything, his family was indeed wild. Refusing to even touch the idea of blood superiority. Following in Merlin's own actions to contradict his former teacher,

Myrddin suddenly stopped as he was thinking about this.

The sound of hooves stamping against the forest floor echoed through the forest. He drew his wand from his robes and held it by his side. He turned in every direction that he could be ambushed from.

When from the shadows of the forest, a great Centaur jumped into the fray. The great beast had the bottom of a horse and the muscular physique of a muscular man, his hair ran wild in the wind, his face was something similar to a defaced statue: it was not at all handsome but it still was a face. Its arms drew an arrow within its bow and aimed.

It released it's grip allowing the arrow to shoot forward with great speed.

With a swing of his wand. Myrddin deflected the arrow, sending it to the ground. Only to duck upon the centaur jumping over him. His feet slipped on a leaf. He fell to the ground with a thud.

The boy was quickly incacipated. The great beast began to survey the boy.

When a green string of magic shot forward. The boat gave off an aura of death. Indeed, when the blast met the Centaur. It suddenly dropped dead with no sound coming from its lips. Its face was frozen in fear.

When Tom was revealed from the tree line. He dashed towards his friend with such haste one couldn't even track him with their eyes. He hovered over the boy, examining for injuries.

When he found nothing wrong.

He looked to his wand with a frown. His reckless nature must've created a huge mistake for him. When Myrddin's eyes shot open before pulling himself up with a groan.

"What happened!?" Myrddin screamed towards the end, seeing the dead centaur to their side.

"I saved you. Now I might pay for it.." Tom said, mumbling towards th first part with his eyes looking away from Myrddin.

Myrddin stood up, crushing the leaves beneath him. He walked over to the centaur's body. His shocked face and lack of injury indeed damned Tom.

"The killing curse.. Your wand.. Hand it here."


"Just hand it!" Myrddin exclaimed, holding out his hand.

Tom obliged, handing over his wand. Myrddin grabbed onto it and dropped onto the ground. He pointed his wand tip towards it and focused on Tom's wand.

"Prior Incantato." He said with the wand shooting a stream of golden light.

It shot into Tom's wand. When in a bright string of gold that spread into a whole sphere of gold. That began to spawn the image of Tom shooting the killing curse, ultimately killing the Centaur again.

"How did?" Tom questioned, not knowing this kind of magic.

"My dad's an Auror. He has to make sure when he catches a witch or wizard that their crimes are just." Myrddin said with confidence before he pointed his wand towards the image.


The image was beginning to be consumed by flame. The flame over took the image until there was nothing left of the killing curse.

Myrddin let out a sigh of relief before he picked up Tom's wand and handed it back.

"Listen, Tom, those charms are private. Don't use them outside class at all. Alright?"

"Fine, I don't have use for them anyway."

Myrddin felt a chill run up his spine. The look in Tom's face made it worse. It was as if Myrddin did something bad. . . Something absolutely terrible.

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