Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Falling Bridge

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"What happened to you, Myrddin?" Dumbledore questioned, sitting the boy down in the enchanted cupboard.

Myrddin sat in remorse, his hands holding onto his head.

"I-I don't know, sir. It's like there's something in me." Myrddin muttered. His mind felt like it was losing itself.

His wrist burned with such intensity as the two talked with one another.

Dumbledore watched the boy struggle with himself. The concern in his eyes was great. However, he would have to choose his words correctly. He sighed, looking out the window. Finding the rain coming through. The stained window pane was filling with water droplets.

He cleared his throat, turning back to Myrddin and taking a seat in front of him.

"Could I see your arm?" He questioned.

Mydddin looked up to Dumbledore. Hesitation in his eyes, he covered his left arm. Myrddin sighed before giving in, holding his left arm out.

Dumbledore pulled the boy's sleeve down before examining the mark. His eyes staggered. The mark he looked at gave him an eery vibe. A frown appeared on his face as he rubbed his thumb over the mark.

"What kind of magic is this?" He questioned, a sense of concern in his tone.

Myrddin looked away, the burning continuing as Dumbledore touched the mark.

"Ow." He winced, his left arm shaking.

Dumbledore let go of his arm, concern filling his gaze.

"Myrddin, this magic is from Tom, isn't it?" Dumbledore questioned, which was answered by a nod.

Dumbledore's frown deepened as he examined the mark. For once, the most powerful wizard in history couldn't identify the magic that was being used. His eyes sat in ponder, lingering on the mark.

"You had a part in this spell, too, correct?" He questioned again. Myrddin looked up to Dumbledore. The same guilt returning to his gaze.

"Y-yes. Tom called it a bonding spell." Myrddin answered.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with realization as he pulled his wand from his sleeve.

"He lied to you. This is no bonding spell. It's a binding one." He stated, placing the tip of his wand on the boy's arm.

Myrddin watched in shock as the mark came to life. The snake escaping the skulls mouth hissed as Dumbledore tried to remove the spell. Myrddin hissed in pain, and the interaction of magic burned his skin and cut into his arm like daggers.

Dumbledore looked up in shock, pulling his wand away from the mark.

"Are you ok, Myrddin?" He questioned, only to be answered by the boy pulling away.

Myrddin groaned, rubbing his arm.

Dumbledore sat in unease, seeing the boy's remark. Myrddin looked to him with a deep and growing hate in his eyes.

"What about this troubles you so much Dumbledore?" He questioned, looking towards the man.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, rising from his seat.

"You know what I'm asking, professor! You put me up to the task of befriending Tom, and yet here you are now telling me to just burn the bridge that I made with him!" Myrddin exclaimed.

Dumbledore jumped up and quickly retorted.

"I hadn't planned for you to get this close. Forming a Blood Pact with him? Do you even understand the severity of this situation?"

"Do you think me daft professor? Do you really think I don't know what I'm doing? Did you really put me on this task without knowing the danger you could put me through?" Myrddin exclaimed, his eyes beginning to water.

"I've learned more from him than you! This pact you're so afraid of won't allow him to harm me and me him. As well as harming others!" Myrddin continued.

Dumbledore watched in shock seeing the boy react so angrily.

"Myrddin, it was never my intention for you and Tom to form such a bond. I-."

"You what? You didn't plan for this to occur? You knew what I was getting into!" Myrddin exclaimed, his eyes flashing red as he yelled.

Dumbledore stepped back in surprise. The boy's anger took him off guard.

"You the most powerful wizard in the world, somehow hadn't planned for me to get this close with Tom. Somehow, he refused to teach me magic that could be useful in understanding what Tom is capable of. This was no mission for me. This was a death wish!" Myrddin exclaimed. The finality in his tone sent Dumbledore over the edge of being calm.

"Enough!" Dumbledore exclaimed, his voice shaking the room.

The red in Myrddin's eyes disappeared. Instead, a look of shock took them over. Myrddin stepped back, his eyes beginning to tear up.

"Myrddin, I-." Before Dumbledore could finish, the young boy escaped the room.

Running out into the endless halls. A bridge built with iron and steel, trust, and support. All came falling down in an instant.

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