Chapter Fifteen: Albus Dumbledore - The Most Powerful Wizard

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"Incarcerous." Dumbledore calmly stated, summoning thick ropes that bound Grindelwald.

Grindelwald sat there utterly defeated. His once cool look had changed to a decrepit one. As he sat and pondered as to how he could have possibly been defeated. He looked towards Myrddin, who stood behind Dumbledore.

"That boy saved you. . . The great and powerful Albus Dumbledore. Saved by a Seventh Year student. How?" Grindelwald madly questioned as he tried to rise to his feet.

"How could he stand toe to toe with the likes of us!" He exclaimed, rising to his feet as he flung himself towards Myrddin.

Myrddin fearfully pulled himself away. Being saved by Dumbledore, who punched Grindelwald back to the ground. In Dumbledore's eyes, a fierce desire to protect overcame him as he pulled Grindelwald to look up towards him. This was when he placed his wand firmly into Grindelwald's chest.

"Because Myrddin is much more than a Seventh Year Student. And if you still can't realize that. Then I think it's best you realize that you're down here and he's up here." Dumbledore clearly stated with a returning calmness.

The two locked eyes, causing Dumbledore to feel some sorry for the man he once loved beneath him.

"Why must this be us?" Myrddin thought he heard as the two stared at one another.

From the side of Myrddin and Dumbledore, multiple figures apparated onto the scene.

Most notably the Head of the British Auror Office: Theseus Scamander, alongside his younger brother Newt Scamander. As well as three ladies, a black haired woman with brown salamander like eyes. Another with blonde hair, who was dressed rather fancily for such an event like this. As well as another black haired woman with black skin and a maroon coat. From behind the blonde woman was a shorter chubbier man who seemed to be wandless at this point. As well as  another distant man who also had black hair and black skin, dressed in a fitted suit and coat.

After this first groups arrival, even more appeared behind them. Likely aurors summoned here by Albus.

Myrddin was beyond shocked seeing so many faces. Dumbledore looked back to them before looking back to Grindelwald.

"Because it was for the greater good. . ." Dumbledore answered, pulling his wand back.

"Aurors, get him!" The older Scamander commanded instantly, sending the aurors around him forward.

With their wands drawn, they levitated Grindelwald into the air. Holding him in the air as he overlooked the group in front of him. A sly smirk appeared over his face as he looked around.

"This many people, just to stop me." He sneered, watching how each person reacted. Some with disgusting other's pride.

Theseus walked forward before clearing his throat.

"Gellert Grindelwald, it is under the orders of the International Confederation of Wizards that we carry out thus arrest. Under the charges of mass genocide, anti-muggle movements, murder, and conspiracy, among many other charges. You will await trial at Askaban Prison."

"No. Not Askaban." Dumbledore chimed, walking towards Theseus.

"There's no telling what he can do there." Dumbledore stated, looking towards Theseus.

"Where should he go then?" The black haired woman questioned walking forward.

Getting a better look at her, Myrddin, in a way, geeked out. She was the Head of the American Auror Office: Tina Goldstein. Myrddin held his excitement as he continued to listen.

Dumbledore turned around, looking to the castle at the side.

"Here." He stated, looking back to Theseus and Tina.

"What?" The two auror heads questioned with shock.

"Because the only people imprisoned here were the people Grindelwald deemed undesirable." Newt chimed.

"Correct." Dumbledore replied, looking to Grindelwald.

"It's the only place to hold him." Dumbledore stated, holding his wand in front of him.

"Very well, find a cell for him here. And get any other dark wizard here to Askaban." Theseus commanded walking towards the castle.

Dumbledore's eyes strayed towards Grindelwald's as they took him away. Myrddin noticed this, crossing his arms. Dumbledore turned back to Myrddin, looking around to the rest of the people around them.

"I assume there should be a round of introductions. Everyone, this is Myrddin, my protégé. Myrddin, this is our sort of army against Grindelwald." Dumblefore stated, pulling Myddin closer.

"Up first and someone I assume you know is the Head of the American Auror Office."

"Tina Goldstein." Tina stated, taking Myrddin's hand for a handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you, mam." Myrddin replied, smiling.

"As well as Newt Schamander, I assume you've read his book." Dumbledore added.

Newt nodded towards Myrddin. Myrddin smiled, doing the same thing.

"I enjoyed your work with Phoenix's, sir." Myrddin replied.

"As well as Mr and Mrs. Kowalski." Dumbledore pointed towards the chubbier man and gold haired woman.

"Hey kid, name's Jacob."

"And i'm Queenie." The two stated one after another.

"Pleasure to meet you both." Myrddin bowed towards the two with a smile.

"Also, yes, he is a muggle." Queenie chimed with a smile.

Myrddin stood in shock. The woman just read her mind. Myrddin laughed before smiling.

"Wonderful seeing that, Mr. And Mrs. Kowalski." Myrddin replied with a smile.

"And this is Professor Eulalie Hicks." Dumbkedore pointed towards the cilurly hair woman.

The woman smiled before extending her hand out. Myrddin took it, and the two shook hands.

"Hello, Myrddin, I must say it's admirable to see a student master charms so wonderfully." She brightly said, causing Myrddin to laugh.

"Thank you, professor, I have gained the unofficial title of 'Lesser Prince of Charms' due to it." He stated with a smile.

"Wonderful." She stated with a smile.

"And finally, this is."

"Kama, Yusuf Kama." The black haired man stated, nodding towards Myrddin.

Myrddin nodded back with a smile. Dumbledore smiled before looking back to everyone he had just introduced. Myrddin noticed a slight shuffle from Dumbledore's sleeve.

"Wonderful job, everyone. I applaud all of you for your part today." He stated clapping his hands together with a smile.

"Now then, all that remains is ensuring that what's left of Grindelwald's movement is destroyed. Thank you." Dumbledore excitedly stated with a bright smile.

"Dumbledore." From the building Theseus walked out.

"Where is Grindelwald's wand?" He questioned, walking closer to Dumbledore.

There was another shift in Dumbledore's sleeve. Myrddin quickly sprung forward.

"It was destroyed during their duel." Myrddin exclaimed.

Dumbledore looked over with a sly look. He turned back to Theseus and nodded.

"Yes, the spell I cast was a bit too much. His wand was destroyed upon our spells meeting." Dumbledore calmly replied with a smile.

Theseus frowned before he nodded.

"Very well. Also, we need you to set up defensive charms around this place." Theseus commanded beginning to walk away.

Dumbledore nodded, looking back to the group.

"Thank you all." Dumbledore calmly stated with a smile.

The long night came to an end.

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