Chapter Five: The Hearing

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"We will be interrogating one Fernando Gorgonzola: famed dark wizard who served Gellert Grindelwald."

In the cage, a man emerged from the ground below.

The man was disgruntled, to say the least. The first thing Myrddin noticed was the man's overgrown hair that covered his face like a mop, the hair itself was curly and greasy, the curls seemed to have tangeled upon itself creating a dread like appearence. The man also reeked of sulfur and rotten eggs, Myrddin had a hard time consuming the air that was clean. From what Myrddin made out. The man had a face only a mother could love. A significant chunk of it was gone: having a thin layer of skin covering the wound. His chin and upper lip were covered in the longest of black hair. His eyes were cold and showed no kind of emotion.

Myrddin felt a sudden ease when Dumbledore's presence grew stronger. Then, the head of the court slammed his gavel down.

"Now then, Mr. Gorgonzola. We hear that you were caught by one Jerome LeVonce and that you are to be sent to Askaban prison due to reports of your use of the killing curse." The man Myrddin assumed was Crouch spoke in such a commanding tone. Myrddin felt like Dumbledore was a pushover next to him.

"It's all lies. . . I've seen for myself Jerome Marley using the killing curse a multitude of times!" Gorgonzola spoke with a sneer around Jerome Marley.

When from nowhere, a man suddenly apparated within the walls of the courtroom. Well, the man had a similar appearance to Gorgonzola.

Except for the fact his entire face was war-torn. His nose was crooked, and scars ran all over the poor man's face.

That was when the man walked down to sit behind Dumbledore.

"Mr. Crouch would so like to inform about a whole new rule we down in the Department of Law Enforcement now have!" The man exclaimed before taking a seat with a grunt.

The sound of a wooden leg and the man's walking staff informed Myrddin of the man's lack of leg.

"Evening Dumbledore." He grunted, leaning onto his staff.

"Ah yes, Marley. I was wondering when you'd arrive."

"Had a leg problem. Some damn gnome took it from me. Had a hell of a time getting it." The Auror grunted, leaning back and putting his leg on the seat in front of him.

He swung his head back with his hair following. Landing on his shoulder.

"Indeed, Auror's are now allowed to use all the unforgivable curses." Crouch said in a commanding tone before the man spoke again.

"So what? You brand me as a killer? Just because Marley stands on your side?" Gorgonzola questioned.

"We brand you a killer because you kill inhumanly. You killed 5 innocent muggles. Not only breaking the ban against the killing curse but also breaking the statute of secrecy!"

"And your point is?"

"My point is that you are founded guilty in the eyes of this court and that you will be sent to Askaban prison!"

"No, no, I don't know about any of that." The man said with a devilish smirk that sent a chill up Myrddin's spine.

"After all Crouch. Even in the Ministry. Grindelwald still has power."

"What do you?"

From the seats behind Crouch, a wizard suddenly pulled from the stands their wands outstretched and pointed towards Crouch.

Jerome pulled himself from his seat and drew from his coat his own wand. A bright flow of yellow light shot out. Sending the wizard fkying backward. The dark wizard, however, was able to shoot another spell from the tip of his wand.

Instead of hitting Crouch. The spell instead shot out towards the prisoner's cage. In a magnificent burst of blue, the cell exploded, allowing the devil inside to escape.

Dumbledore jumped up and waved his hand in the air. That would enchant the books with life. The books flew into the air and flew around and moved to grab onto Gorgonzola.

The man cackled evilly before he smacked a few books away. His eyes spun over to Dumbledore. Dumbledore drew his wand quickly. Dumbledore held out his wand towards the man.

"Stop right there!" The elder exclaimed, losing the calmness in his voice.

Gorgonzola held out his hand. The fallen ministry juror held out his wand. The wand pulled itself from his hand and flew out into Gorgonzola's grip. His gaze shifted to young Myrddin, who was still processing all of this.

"Avada Kedavara!" The man exclaimed, shooting a bolt of green light.

"Expelliarmus!" Dumbledore exclaimed from his wand's tip a stream of red light shot out to meet the green.

The two streams of light met against another. At first, the two were at odds. Gorgonzola having a slight edge. When the red stream pushed hard against the green. In magnificent light, the red pushed and pushed until it grew closer to the other's wand.

The match was decided since the beginning.

Gorgonzola realised this pulled his stream of light away before the red light met him. He flicked his wand in the air, shooting out a great puff of smoke. The man suddenly disapparated.

Dumbledore's lips curled into a frown upon seeing the man's disapparation. He turned around with concern, filling his eyes as he looked over young Myrddin.

"Myrddin, are you alright?"

"Y-yes. That was brilliant, professor."

"Age doesn't just make you less able Myrddin." The man said with a wink before helping Myrddin up from his seat.

He scanned the boy for injury, and when he found none, he patted his shoulder.

"We should head back to the school. Professor Dippet will likely be mad at me." Albus said, pushing his wand back into its sleeve within his robes.

Myrddin gulped and let out a little sigh.

"I'm fine, sir, really."

"Yes, but still I have to be getting you back. Alastor here will deal with everything finely."

"Indeed!" Alastor grunted out, moving past the two heading over to the jurors area.

Dumbledore began to lead Myrddin out of the courtroom. Moving out the door and stopping in the corridor. He held out his arm again.

"This'll be a story to tell Tom." Dumbledore said with a little smile that made Myrddin chuckle lightly.

The young boy took the man's arm. Then the two quickly disapparated, reappearing back in Dumbledore's office. Where Myrddin again was panting after this sudden burst of motion.

Dumbledore let out a breath of relief.

"You can take a few licorice on the way. And head to your dormitories. Alright, Myrddin?"

"Yes, sir, thank you for taking me, sir."

"It's no problem."

Myrddin smiled and took a few licorice from the bowl on the man's desk. He walked out of the man's office and headed off with a new story to tell his friend. "The night he almost died." What a magnificent title, no?

His Majesty ||Tom Riddle||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora