Chapter Six: A Brother's Love?

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"And then professor Dumbledore came out and shot this cool red beam. For a while I thought he was loosing. When the beam got closer to the no good guy. Then the man left after making smoke!" The young Wilde boy exclaimed holding out his wand in front of him. Reliving the entire experience from last night.

"I knew Dumbledore was powerful but he took care of a dark wizard that easy?" Tom questioned neverminding the fact his friend nearly died.

"I know! Then that auror too. He was so fast. Before I even realized what happened he already shot down that Ministry guy." Myrddin recounted before he jumped down to sit next to the Riddle boy. The boy had his nose in his book. Reading about a certain goblin revolt.

"You realise goblins were so greedy that they caused the goblin rebellion?" The boy questioned looking to the book Tom read.

"Yes. . . See this proves why you should teach history of magic. Old Binne makes this all sound so boring." Tom said closing his book before he looked at Myrddin.

"Your charms should've been greater than that buffoon you just flinched."

"No! I was startled!"

"It nearly costed you your life."

"So? Dumbledore saved me."

"Well if he hadn't you'd be dead."

"Well yeah but still. . . Y'see. . ." The boy in Myrddin's eyes faded.

He scratched the back of his head with a smile.

"Y'see my mum died because of that curse. . . It's like I can't handle hearing it." The boy said before standing up to walk over to the tree they sat under.

"Hard thing to forget no?" The boy questioned only to have Tom reply with silence.

Myrddin's eyes looked to the blue sky above. He smiled seeing the silhouette of a certain familiar of his. He held out his arm and let out a loud whistle. It's sound rang out like a cry in the night.

The Phoenix would hear his whistle and suddenly flew down. In a great flare of it's wings. It landed onto the boy's arm. He smiled seeing the phoniex.

"I don't think I've let you meet Harold have I?" Myrddin questioned with a smile.

Tom got up from his seating and walked over to the magnificent beast.

"No, rather boring name for such an exotic beast." He said crossing his arms watching Myrddin pet the bird.

"Yes well I wanted something that I would say easy."

"Is it true their tears heal any wound?"

"Yes. . . Magnificent creatures, you should see him on burning day. . ."

Tom's hand outstretched to pet the bird. Only to be met by the pecking of it's beak. He screeched in pain pulling his finger away. To which Myrddin pulled his gaze off of Harold and onto Tom.

"You ok Tom?"

"No! Your bird bit me!"

"He usually doesn't do that. Come here let me heal it."

Tom with a sigh handed over his bleeding finger. Myrddin set Harold down and pulled out his wand. His gaze focused in on the cut. He held it over the wound. He waved it over the cut.

Ever so slowly the wound began to heal itself. Tom watched in wonder seeing this.

"How're you so good at magic?" He questioned meeting the gaze of Myrddin, his gaze immediately pulled away with his cheeks flushed in red.

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