Chapter Nineteen: The Dark Mark

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It was a rather splendid evening that followed Tom and Myrddin's heartfelt Waltz. After they had finished their dance, the two finished eating. The food was actually not rubbish. In fact, it was rather brilliant. Although Tom hadn't even made it.

Afterward, the two spent time with another at a fireplace. Myrddin, utterly charmed, was fully infatuated with Tom. So much so that they listened past the record they were listening to.

The sweet melodies of Billie Holiday moved on to the sultry scatting of Ella's Fitsgerald. The sweet and sultry "Let's Do It" by Ms. Fitsgerald.

Tom was charmful, Myrddin matched this with his own. Really, the two were a match made in heaven.

The night came to an end with Myrddin cradled in Tom's arms. The two of them sitting in an extended armchair. Myrddin's head placed on Tom's lap as the two stared into the fire. Tom playing with Myrddin's hair

Myrddin watched as the embers flew about. His silver eyes caught a rather disturbing image. An odd glow encapsulating as they did so. This magic was eery for Myrddin as in the flames. He saw the image of a skull in the sky, a snake slithering from his mouth. Myrddin blinked, and the image was gone.

Myrddin rubbed his eyes before lifting himself back up.

Tom looked to the boy a little bewildered by his sudden movement.

"What's wrong, songbird?" He questioned, taking Myrddin by surprise with the new pet name.

"Well, majesty, it seems that we are both breaking curfew." Myrddin answered with his own pet name. This caused Tom to smirk before he pulled Myrddin towards him. Sitting him on his lap. Myrddin placed his hands on Tom's shoulders, both boys smiling.

"Well, you're lucky as you're with me, your house, Head-Boy." Myrddin nearly laughed before slicking his hair back.

"I do hope that the big scary Tom Riddle doesn't take 10 points from Slytherin." Myrddin sarcastically stated, pulling away from Tom.

Tom laughed, following after him before he waved his wand in the air. The objects that appeared especially for tonight disappeared. He waved his wand again, summoning the pair's coats back to them.

"I will escort you back then songbird." Tom offered, pulling his coat back over himself.

Myrddin laughed, pulling his robes on.

"Humourous, quite so indeed." Myrddin answered before looking to the Room of Requirement's door.

With a wave of his hand, Myrddin had the door open itself. Before exiting, Tom quickly grabbed his arm with his own. Taking and guiding Myrddin arm in arm.

A change that Myrddin took on rather happily.

The pair returned to their dormitories. Being met by the pacing of Professor Slughorn. The enormously chubby balding man looked so out of place pacing. Myrddin always believed that too much activity would kill the man. Alas, that wasn't true, was it.

He was dressed in his purple night clothes where, hearing the two's entrance, an immediate sense of relief filled him.

"There you two are! I was worried you went off doing something that would get you both expelled!" He explained, ruffling his thick mustache.

Myrddin held back his laughter as Tom spoke.

"I must apologize, sir. I was doing the last shift of night patrols, and Myrddin insisted on coming along." Tom lied, causing Slughorn to laugh.

"Oh ho! Doing patrols in so fine clothing?" He questioned, answered by Myrddin.

"We just came back from a rather special occasion later this evening, sir. Didn't have time to change." Myrddin answered, causing Slughorn to chuckle.

"I see then. Well, you two were the last ones from my count. Have a wonderful night, you two." Slughorn replied, quickly moving his way through the common rooms.

"Oh yes, Mr. Wilde, I look forward to reading your report on the 100 Usages of Phoenix Tears tomorrow." Myrddin paused before looking back.

"Indeed, sir!" Myrddin exclaimed, answered by a nod from Slughorn.

As soon as Slughorn left the room, Myrddin turned to Tom.

"I did not do the work. Guess I'm pulling an all-nighter again."

"Maybe I can help." Tom replied, Myrddin shook his head.

"I could never allow the talented Tom Riddle to one up me in my own field of exploration." Myrddin stated, placing his hand on top of Tom's head.

"Now, good night, majesty." Myrddin replied, ruffling Tom's hair.

Tom laughed before grabbing Myrddin's waist. Pulling Myrddin in closer before kissing Myrddin. Myrddin turned red before Tom released him.

"Good night, songbird." With that, Tom returned to his room.

Myrddin stood in shock for a while after. Although they spent the evening together snogging, he still couldn't get used to it. However, he shook it off so he could get started on his paper. As he entered his room, much to the groaning of his sleeping roommates, he got to work.

With a wave of his wand, his desk came to life. A parchment pulled itself open before his quill began to write. The quill itself came to life as it recorded Myrddin's thoughts. Myrddin slipped out of his clothing and into his night clothes. Pretty soon, the quill had already written 4 pages. Myrddin looked over each page, ensuring that his thoughts were clear and explained.

The minimum was 10 pages. However, Myrddin was well over at 15. This took at least four hours to be fully complete. Pushing well over midnight. After completion, Myrddin placed the sheets neatly together.

Fulling fulfilled, he returned to his bed. Placing himself in the most comfortable of positions. Until his eyes closed and he drifted off into slumber.

"Morsmordre." Agreen light fired from the tip of a cloaked figures wand.

In the sky above, the familiar figure of a skull appeared. The green figure opened its jaws. From its mouth, a serpent glided its way out. Curling and turning in an intricate way around the skull.

Myrddin looked up, and his eyes widened as he looked back down. On the ground was a muggle dressed man. His expression filled with a fearful glare. This was a result of the killing curse.

Myrddin stepped back from the horror.

He looked at the black cloak he had on. He lifted his hands to his face. Causing his sleeves to drop as he examined his hands.

His eyes were drawn to his left wrist. The same imagery of a skull and serpent filled his vision. The black ink looked so vivid as the serpent squirmed around the skull.

"What's wrong, Myrddin? Would you have preferred to kill this filthy muggle?" Myrddin looked up, the cloaked figure pulled his hood down.

The face was so familiar yet so wicked. His eyes crimson, as if all the white if his eyes disappeared. His face was skull like yet retained some form of handsomeness.

"T-Tom? What have you done?"

"Tom? Hah, I thought we agreed to stop using that name. I thought we agreed on Lord ʇɹoɯǝploΛ." The name was unclear as Tom walked closer to Myrddin.

"What? Tom, what are you saying?" Myrddin questioned, taking a few steps away.

"I thought I told you to call me Lord ʇɹoɯǝploΛ!" Tom exclaimed, quickly pointing his wand towards Myrddin.

"You're not Tom! Who are you!?" Myrddin exclaimed, backing into a wall before Tom fully pointed his wand towards Myrddin.

"I will not tolerate thus insolence! Even from you, songbird! Crucio!" Tom exclaimed, firing red electricity towards Myrddin.

The curse instantly sent waves of immense pain through Myrddin. As if a thousand daggers repeatedly stabbed him over and over again.

"Tom, no! Stop it, Tom! Please! Stop! Tom!"

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