Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Dark Past

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The aged auror yelled, ripping himself from the covers of his bed. A cold sweat kept his overgrown hair attached to his face. A groan escaped his lips as he allowed himself to fall back into his covers.

"Legilimency never seems to make me forget those God awful memories." Myrddin muttered to himself.

The aged man looked over to his nightstand. A mirror stood vertically on the nightstand. A gold brim elegantly lined the glass mirror.

Myrddin analyzed the deepness of the mirror. A foggy swirl appeared in the deepness of the mirror. The outside slowly started to freeze and frost over.

"It's time!" The man exclaimed, jumping out of his bed.

With a flick of his wrist, his clothing flew out from his wardrobe. A plum colored collared shirt wrapped around his body, black pants, black oxfords, and black vest wrapped around him. A dark purple trench coat wrapped around him, and a dark purple wizard's hat landed on his head. The final touch was a purple satin neck tie. The man let out a sigh, quickly walking to a nearby doorway.

"Let's find out where this baddie is." He whispered to himself, tapping the top of the doorway.

A light blue magic radiated from his touch. Sliding down across the doorway. A portal opened from the man's magic.

He smirked and held out his hand.

"Dear oathsworn portal, I beseech a boon across your power. Find the man that towers. The great auror killer: Belthazar Grimzly." The man chanted.

The portal that spiraled extended out beyond the door. Before it retracted, returning to the door frame. Across the door , red energy ran across. Changing the magic color from blue to red. The portal was settled and prepared.

The man smirked and slicked back his hair, placing his hat back on his head.

With a grand stride, the man walked through the portal. Appearing at the other side at the end of a dark street.

The moon above revealed all shadows in this dreary location.

The man frowned, walking forward.

He plucked a nearby leaf from a tree and folded it in his hand. He lifted the leaf to his lips, whispering an incantation upon the green. He dropped the leaf, allowing it to flutter to the ground. Just before it landed, it stopped and floated in the air.

It flew forward with a trail of azure light.

The man in purple followed after it closely. A click of his heels grew silent as the leaf came to a stop in front of a manor.

The iron gate kept all life outside of it. The symbol on the gate bore a terrible serpent with the name "Grimzly" across it. The man chuckled, pulling his wand from his coat.

"Let's see if your wardifications match your skill." He whispered, tapping the gate with his wand.

Instantly, the barrier protecting the property was covered with intricate runes and magic across it. The man laughed quickly, summoning the leaf up to his hand.

"Elementary." He whispered, sticking the leaf into the barrier.

With a wave of his wand, the runes across the barrier began to spin. Rotating and running through different rune combinations. The aged man smirked before pulling his wand back. A gold light glowed from the tip of his wand. He dug his wand into the barrier. In seconds, cracks formed from the initial strike and grew across the barrier. Quickly, the barrier broke into strands of burning gold magic.

"My least favorite part." He muttered, apparating into the property.

As if instantly blue streaks of magic fired towards the man.

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