Chapter Eight: Extra-Curricular Activities

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Myrddin sat very uncomfortably in Dumbledore's office. He sat in his chair, dreading the idea of seeing Tom after all this time. . . Wait a minute.

"It's only been a day!" Myrddin screamed quietly before he smacked himself.

With a bellow-sized groan, he placed his face and hands on top of the desk. He laid his head down on a pile of blank parchment. Never before had he felt emotion like this. Usually, he just went with the flow. Not caring about any consequence of his actions. Thinking, well, that's what life gave me.

Well, now life was just being cruel.

Myrddin had no idea what to do about this entire situation.

With a sigh, he got up from his seat and walked over to the stained glass window. A frown appeared on his face.

The light of the day peered through the window in colorful lights. Such beauty was so off in a situation like this. When the door was knocked upon. Myrddin's head spun to the door. His face was full of fear.

"Professor, are you in?" Riddle questioned standing just outside the door.

"Shit!" Myrddin exclaimed in a whisper before he collected himself.

"Come in!" Myrddin exclaimed in a the best impression of Dumbledore that he could do.

The door pushed open with Tom's aid. He walked in and pushed it closed.

"You wanted to see me si-?" His eyes widened in unexpected surprise.

He would begin to turn around when Myrddin spoke.

"Wait, Tom, no!" He exclaimed before he began to sprint down. Getting to the same level as Tom.

"I-I just wanted to talk." Myrddin pleaded, staring at him sadly.

"With your favorite teacher's help no less. ." Riddle scoffed, turning away. Myrddin quickly pulled him back.

"I'm sorry, it was his idea. If anything, I would have never tried to do something like this. I would be too damn terrified."

"So, you wouldn't even try to talk to me?" He questioned, outraged by his response.

"No! That's not what I mean!" Myrddin sighed before he slicked back his hair.

"Listen, I just.. I just miss talking to you, and it really is damn boring here." He said before walking over to meet Tom's gaze.

"Even though it's just been a day." Myrddin stated, looking away. Tom's eyes softened from this statement. He turned his gaze away as if to leave.

"Speak Myrddin!"

"A-also I've yet to get my end of our deal." Myrddin said, scratching the side of his head with a smile.

"Which is?"

"I've yet to learn anything from you." Myrddin spoke confidently, making Tom scoff.

"What have I to teach the great Myrddin?" Riddle questioned.

Myrddin's lips parted to speak, but it was this instance, a rare one at that. He had nothing to remark. As far as his mind raced, he couldn't think of any reply. He closed his mouth, raising his hand up. Yet again, he had nothing. Tom stood in front of him blankly, waiting for Myrddin's bright reply. He scoffed before he turned around.

Quickly, Myrddin reached out to grab Tom's forearm, pulling him back.

"Who said you had to teach me something magically?" He quickly yelled, shocking Tom with his tone.

Myrddin's head dropped before he looked away. Tom frowned as he prepared to leave again. Myrddin, through pure reaction, pulled him forward.

His lips smashed into Tom's. Tom, surprised at first, tried pulling back. Myrddin, unrelenting, held onto Tom's arm. Keeping him close to Myrddin.

Tom must have calmed down as he began giving in to the kiss. His arms wrapped around Myrddin's waist. He pulled him deeper into the kiss. Myrddin wrapped his arms around Tom's neck. Tom lifted Myrddin into the air. Lifting him onto the desk. Tom pushed into Myrddin, deepening the kiss.

The pair of them were locked into each other for what seemed like a century.

A knock at the door disrupted this perfect union. Tom quickly pulled away from Myrddin. Myrddin gasped for air, letting go of Tom.

"I'm coming in. Make sure your trousers are on." Dumbledore stated humorously before he opened the door.

Myrddin's face was red as red could be. Tom fixed his collar and tie. You let out a huff of air as Dumbledore groaned before walking towards the two

"I apologize Tom, I hadn't realized you came in so early. I'm glad Myrddin was here, so you weren't bored."

"Indeed, professor. Myrddin and I were merely reconversing." Tom stated with a calm demeanor.

"It was certainly more than that." Myrddin snickered to himself.

"I see. Well, I suppose I should dismiss you, Tom, on account of my own tardiness." Dumbledore stated, flicking back his coat tails, digging his hands into his pockets.

"Although, all things considered. I explicitly remember Headmaster Dippet's protocols towards relationships between students." Tom nervously gulped, looking at Myrddin.

Myrddin's expression quickly morphed into fear as Dumbledore noticed this.

Dumbledore looked to Myrddin, a sly look in Dumbledore's eyes. Myrddin looked away in embarrassment, causing Dumbledore to laugh. Dumbledore looked to Tom, who was suddenly shaken up by Dumbledore's demeanor.

Dumbledore laughed it off, turning away.

"Alas that most likely isn't the case for the pair of you. Hope the pair of you have an enjoyable evening." Dumbledore teased, walking behind his desk, taking a seat.

"Sir?" Tom questioned, Myrddin gasped staring daggers at the boy.

Dumbledore looked up with a smile.

"What? Do you really want to spend a beautiful evening with an old geezer in a lone tower like this?" He questioned in which Myrddin quickly replied.

"Right you are professor! Now, if you'll excuse us for the evening!" Myrddin intersecting pulling Tom with him out the door.

"Indeed, have a wonderful evening!"

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