Chapter Seventeen: The Date

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"Sir, I haven't the foggiest idea of how to even entertain Tom. Merlin's beard, I didn't even have dress robes until you helped me!" Myrddin exclaimed, following Dumbledore.

Myrddin was draped in a regal indigo robe. Having ornate gold trim around his sleeves. As well as having a little sash to hold the robe together in the center. It had small star like designs towards the bottom of the robe. Being a rather beautiful piece from Dumbledore.

While Myrddin also wore a grey dress vest with black suit trousers that tapered to his legs. As well as his oxfords and best blue tie over his white shirt on.

Myrddin's hair, too, was fixed far better than usual. Being neatly parted in the middle, it was slicked back into a nice bun.

In reality, Myrddin was likely too well dressed to be attending a simple dinner date. Alas, Dumbledore wouldn't let him just go on his way without looking nice. The man transfigured Myrddin's clothes after all. The two came to appear just outside the blank wall in the Astronomy Wing.

Dumbledore looked at the blank wall and smiled. He looked back to Myrddin before clearing his throat. Bringing Myrddin's attention to him.

"I suppose this is where I depart. It's best not to linger on two love birds." He whimsically stated before beginning to walk away.

"Wait, sir, what if Tom tries to do something to me again?" Myrddin stopped the all-powerful wizard in his tracks.

The aged wizard turned back and walked over to Myrddin.

"My young friend, love is a fickle thing. And I can clearly see that you do deeply love Tom. And if Tom is to love you back, he should be respectful towards you. The pair of you should really do this." Dumbledore calmly explained, placing his hand on Myrddin's shoulder.

"Just remember Myrddin, you are a brilliant young man. Ensure that people address you as such." Dumbledore winked before pulling away from Myrddin. He looked back to the hallway they had just entered, hearing close footsteps.

"And this is where I leave. Good luck, Myrddin." With those words and a flick of his wand, Dumbledore seemingly disappeared into the background.

Myrddin looked around, shocked by the professor's disappearance. Before looking back to the hall where the noise came from.

From the shadows arose the handsome face Myrddin became accustomed to seeing. His strong features sent Myrddin's heart aflame. As he walked in Prefect uniform. Although he usually dressed in this, he still looked so dapper in it. Tom walked up to Myrddin. The two standing feet from one another

There was an awkward silence that fell between the two, as the two looked at one another.

Tom was about to speak before Myrddin quickly blurted out.

"You look handsome tonight!" It came off more of a yell than a serenade. However, it would have to do as it made Tom turn red.

"Thank you, you are also handsome tonight." Tom replied, looking down as if he said the wrong thing. Myrddin laughed before nodding.

"Thank you, although I fear I'm a bit overdressed for tonight." He stated, holding out his robes to demonstrate.

Tom quickly shook his head.

"If anything, I'm underdressed. You're perfect." Myrddin's ears perked hearing the word "perfect."

Never before had Tom, or really anyone besides his parents, say that. It was a rather uplifting statement for Myrddin, who also turned red at this point.

"So uhm, why did you call me here? I don't suppose we're having our date out here?" Myrddin questioned, laughing towards the end.

"Oh, no, no, sorry, let me take care of that." Tom answered quickly, walking towards the blank wall.

He extended his hand towards the wall. The wall quickly morphed into a black door. The door spawning through a series of black spirals that transfigured into a black door. Myrddin's eyes widened before his hand extended out to touch the door.

"The room of requirement." He whispered, answered by a quick nod from Tom.

"Indeed, it's like your broom closet to you. I found it my 5th year here." He replied before the doors pulled open.

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