Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Killing Curse

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A sly leaf escaped the grip of its providing tree. Gently floating downward, before it landed on a puddle of rain water. It baubled towards the top before sinking downward.

Myrddin wept underneath this tree. His arms wrapped around his legs as he cried into his legs. Never before had gone through such emotion. Especially with someone he felt so close to. Normally, he'd be helping people through these situations.

He always kept his emotions and feelings to himself. At least when it came to grief and all the melancholic emotions.

He felt that he was drowning in it. All these melancholic awful emotions.

He wished that somebody would at least try to save him from the deep. Dumbledore, Professor Lilpos, Headmaster Dippet, somebody. Yet no one was there. He was drowning by himself with no one to blame but himself.

The boy wept, clinging to himself, his great grief brought about a terrible storm from above.

The dark clouds swallowed the deep blue sky. Engulfing the earth in such a darkness that everybody thought it was already night. Great typhoons of wind blew and ripped through the lands. Rain poured so heavily that it was like daggers.

Myrddin's full power of emotion was finally released. Causing this great storm.

He sat there unphased by the heinous storm that shook the forest. His eyes, puffy, stared blankly on the waving blades of grass. His brain felt heavy, unable to successfully synthesize what exactly was going on with him. Any solution he proposed felt like it was written off quickly.

Absent, absent of love, absent of emotion, remorse, respect.

A hollow hole was carved through his heart. Leaving him a blank, emotionless being. The emotionless being sat blankly underneath the fading tree. How terrible it felt to exist at that moment.

"Myrddin? Where have you been?"

The gentle tone stabbed through the tension that was stirring in Myrddin's mind.

Myrddin looked up to the stoic male above him. His wand was pointed upward, an umbrella formed from the tip of his wand. This spell shielded him from the pouring rain. Myrddin's face looked down, still plagued by the emotion of depression.

Tom smirked ever so slightly before dropping his face as well.

He let out a sigh, waving his wand he expanded the umbrella spell around the pair of them. Tom took a seat beside Myrddin. Folding his cloak underneath him as he sat.

"What happened?" He questioned, taking Myrddin's hand into his own.

A shiver ran down Myrddin's spine as he felt the new connection between the pair of them. It was strange. There was an odd aura about Tom. One that was far stranger than Myrddin was accustomed to.

Tom, however, sat there patiently, staring at Myrddin. Myrddin huffed, looking up to the weeping sky above him.

"D-Dumbledore and I got into an argument. . . He, he, lied to me. Lied to me about everything. Protecting me, talking to you, our friendship." Myrddin whimpered, his grip growing tight against Tom's hand.

Tom smiled before rising from his seat. He squatted in front of Myrddin, smiling as he did so.

"And this upsets you?" He questioned. Myrddin could not look up. His eyes sticking to the ground. A sigh escaped his lips before he nodded.

"Yes, but it's much more than upset. I-, I don't feel right. It's like I have to do something. Something to get past it. . ." Myrddin muttered, huffing as he held back his tears.

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