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messy room.

everything is cluttered. cans and paper plates fill every counter space i have. old chocolate milk rotting away in my trash can. half eaten pizza on a paper plate, laying on my bed side table. diet pepsi cans litter my floor. water bottles in every corner i could stuff them into.

my messy room is a physical embodiment of my mind.

i've been told on multiple occasions that if i stayed in a clean space, it would make me feel happier. but procrastination isn't a term at this point i could use on the way i put off cleaning this pig stye.

my self expression covers my walls, giving me a sense of comfort. yet the piles of clothes waiting to be washed cancels that out.

old souvenirs lay knocked over and out of place, curtesy of the trash piling up.

i have all the time in the world, yet taking some away to clean my room feels selfless.

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