Chapter 2: Another Day At Work

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Dropsbyponk Pov:

I was in my bed dreaming about helping the peace when my alarm went off.

It was work alarm. Grr why can't I just stay in bed and sleep my life away but sadly that not how life works or at least not for me.

I got up off my bed and got dress to my work uniform. While leaving I bump into an old friend of mine.

Ponk- Oh hey Nikki how are you?

Nikki- Oh I'm doing good just came back from a long ocean journey and found some very unique flowers for my flower shop

Ponk- Wow really can't wait to stop by there then you know how much I love plants

Wilbur- Nikki your back

Nikki- Wilbur oh how I miss you

Ponk- Look I would love to sit here and chat some more Nikki & Wilbur but I have work to do so see you guys later

Nikki-Oh ok bye ponk

Ponk- Bye

*Few Hours Later*

I was done helping a sick lady when I saw Philza & Techno walk in. I notice straight way that Philza had a broken wing.

Ponk- Oh my god what happen

Techno- Well me and philza was doing are avenger quest when some human ambush us. They wanted to slave us and sell us for huge amount of money but in the end that was there death bed

Philza- In the process of fighting them they threw a rock at my wing which broke it

Ponk- I am going to guess it wasn't a normal rock

Philza- Nope it wasn't

Ponk- *sigh* here take this healing potion. It should heal the wound and you shouldn't feel any pain but my advice is to keep those bandaids on you because heal potion don't fix everything and your body still needs to heal.

Techno- How long?

Ponk- About a few days maybe three at most so pls rest on those three days pls or else I will tell your wife

Philza- Oh no no no you don't need to tell her I will rest

Techno- I still can't believe those humans got the jump on us I doubt you know anything about it

Ponk- Well no but I have killed a human once so I will do it again if they start messing around with hybrids and magic users.

Philza- Wait you killed a human!?

Ponk- I was a kid and a human was attacking two creeper hybrids. I couldn't just stand there and let it happen so I kill him and help the creeper hybrids before teleporting home.

Techno- Wait was that the day that the humans killed your parents?

Ponk- Yes it was I wish I could of help them like I help the creeper family

Philza- You did what your parents wanted you to do because I bet if you stay in that house you of gotten taken away or worse killed that day so stop blaming yourself ok?

Ponk- I know *sigh* doesn't matter anymore these human have been getting more hostile as a lately but lucky the humans that live here love your guys kind

Techno- Ya ya ya well we have to go doc see you later ponk

Ponk- Bye you two

With that they left my offices but I couldn't get the thought out of my mind. Why are humans becoming more hostile to hybrids and magic users alike?

I had that thought in my head for a while but I couldn't think of a proper reason other then slaves,money, & power so I drop it and started going back to work.

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