Chapter 7: A What!?

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DropsbyPonk Pov:

I was doing my normal thing helping a customer when I heard a knock at my door. When I open it I saw it was tubbo who seem to have a cut on his leg from tripping

Ponk- Oh hey tubbo it seem that you have trip

Tubbo- Ya I did can you heal it so I can start doing my job again pls?

Ponk- Job what job?

Jack- What taking so long ow

Ponk- Jack I told you to wait

Tubbo- Oh hey jack

Jack- Ya hi tubbo what brings you here

Tubbo- Well I bring a message from the castle for everyone to hear

Ponk- You do!?

Jack- Really now? What is the message?

Tubbo- The prince have order everyone to go to the mask ball and its mandatory for everyone even you two to go but there are rules you need to follow

Ponk- Which is?

Tubbo- Dress nice and bring a mask that cover your face like your doing Ponk

Ponk- Oh umm thank you I guess

Tubbo- Ya no problem but can you heal me up pls

Ponk- Fine your lucky it was just a cut. Take this potion and it should heal that cut up fast

Tubbo- Really thank you Ponk

With that tubbo left

Ponk- Now then jack its time for me to treat your water burns

Jack- Ya ya I know

*Few Hours Later*

I was closing up shop when I saw someone flying around the village. It seem to be a Phoenix of some sort. After while of flying he seem to landed right next the middle town fountain so I came up there to join him.

Ponk- Oh umm hello there never seen you before

Tommy- Oh hello I am going to guess you heard the news?

Ponk- About the ball yup though I don't think I will be going

Tommy- What why you have to be there its mandatory

Ponk- Look I would love to be there and all but I am one of the best doctors in town and what would happen if someone needs me while I am at the stupid ball

Tommy- Hey don't call the ball stupid

Ponk- Oh sorry it just that I haven't been at a dance since magic school

Tommy- Magic school? Wait your a magic user!?

Ponk- Yes I am but there nothing special about me

Tommy- Can you teach me magic pls

Ponk- I'm sorry what?

Tommy- You see I am a Phoenix and Phoenix have magic powers right

Ponk- Of course they do but you need to keep this in mind that you also have your beast form to worry about as well

Tommy- I know but can you teach me pls? My dad won't let anyone teach me back at his place and my fire is just going to get worse

Ponk- Fine I will teach you a little bit of magic but not a lot ok?

Tommy- Ok

Ponk- So you see my hand right

Tommy- Ya?

Ponk- You need to focus your flames in your hand and don't worry your immune to fire so this won't hurt you

Tommy- Ok I am doing it now what

Ponk- Well if you forces long enough you can make your flames do anything you want like this

That is when I use a fire spell to make a horse appear in the night sky without using my hands

Tommy- Wow that amazing

Ponk- And with more time, patience, and focus you will be able to do anything with your fire magic without using any part of your body

Tommy- Really that so cool so I just need to at least do a little each day to master it?

Ponk- Yup and don't over work yourself because if you do it will just take a little longer

Tommy- Ok thank you

And with that the Phoenix boy turn into his beast form which was literally a Phoenix and flew off into the night sky which does make me happy because Phoenix hybrids are rare to see these days since they are ether killed or use because of there magic.

Ponk- Well I guess I should head home and see when this dance will start then maybe I might think about coming

Before walking home in the dead of night

The Mask BallDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora