Chapter 33: Not This Time

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No One Pov:

Sam- Ponk are you cutting yourself?

Ponk- What? no I didn't cut myself this time I woke up and found these two cut lines on my arm. I think I cut myself by accident on my bed frame

Sam- That not normal to wake up with two perfectly cut lines on your skin and wait what do you mean this time

Ponk- First I know someone who woke up with eight cuts on there arm without them even realizing they were there and to answer your second question I would rather not talk about it

Sam- First of all who is that person and second pls tell me why you use to cut yourself

Ponk- Can't say or else they would get mad at me but I will say they think they got them from there cat

Sam- Ok?

Ponk- Anyways to answer your second question it was in the past and I promise myself to try and not cut myself again

Ponk Mind- Even though I want to do it so badly

Sam- Why did you hurt yourself then ponk?

Ponk- *sigh* let just say I didn't have the best first relationship with my so called lover and hopefully I don't get into what it called a toxic relationship again

Sam- Where is this person?

Ponk- He gone sam

Sam- What do you mean gone?

Ponk- Well he got himself killed by hunters

Sam- Oh I see

Sam Mind- That good to know he dead because if he wasn't I would make sure he wishes he was dead.

Sam- Well I am going to guess he did more the just abuse you.

Ponk- Ya he was the worse. Think of the most horrible out comes in a toxic relationship and that is what had happen to me. Lucky I wasn't killed or sold off permanently to someone but hey things happen for a reason right?

Sam- Wait he sold you to people

Ponk- Yup but he would always get me back as I was his way to get money as well as joy

Sam- Well I'm glad he dead

Ponk- ............

Sam- Ponk wait why are you starting to cry? Was it something I said if so I am so sorry

Ponk- its not *sniff* I promise

Sam- Then what is it

Ponk- Sam Why did you call me here?

Sam Mind- He changing the subject

Sam- Well I wanted to make sure you were ok

Ponk- What do you mean ok?

Sam- I had a nightmare about me cutting off your arm and I needed to make sure that wasn't true at all

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