Chapter 8: Mystery Doctor?

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TommyInnit Pov:

When I finally flew home I went threw my window since I am not aloud out of the castle past curfew. When I flew in and turn back into my human form god must of love me because someone knock on my door.

Sam- Tommy can I come in pls?

Tommy- Of course you can come in I have something to tell you

Sam- Ok?

That is when my dad came in my room with a nervous look on his face

Tommy- What's up? You seem a little nervous?

Sam- Well that the thing I been thinking and maybe after this party and all I will hire a magic teacher to help you control your flames

Tommy- Really!? Well that is what I was going to talk about too

Sam- Ok what is it?

Tommy- So when tubbo and I was helping the guards putting the papers about the mask ball I met someone. It was when I was flying back I had to land because I was in my beast form and I was a little thirsty. When I landed and turn to my human form to drink some water I met this person who I didn't get name from but he was a magic user

Sam- He was!? What did he look like?

Tommy- He is around your age I believe maybe younger but he was wearing a mask. All I could tell you are the colors of his eyes.

Sam- Ok what color were they?

Tommy- They were a Chocolate brown and something about his ora made me feel safe

Sam- Chocolate brown huh?

Tommy- Dad what is it?

Sam- Mmm nothing keep going

Tommy- he told me that a long as I focus and imagine my flames I would be able to control them and make them do what I want them to do so I am going to start training myself very soon

Sam- And you didn't get this person name?

Tommy- Nope but he did say he was the best doctor in town

Sam- Really now? What else did they he tell you?

Tommy- Well here is the bad news about this person I don't think there going too the ball

Sam- Wait WHAT!?

Tommy- They told me that they might not go because they fear that if there gone someone would get attack by hunters and would need his help

Sam- Aren't there other doctors?

Tommy- There are but he a very special doctor I could tell. He knew what was wrong with me in seconds but he didn't say anything. I could tell that if are town that we rule didn't have that doctor around, their could be a lot of hybrids badly injured or worse die because even though there are doctors in the town that are willing to help hybrids they don't know what there doing.

Sam- I see well then why don't you get some rest because the ball is tomorrow

Tommy- ok dad night

Sam- night

With that Sam left me in my room where I did get ready to sleep but before I got into bed Frank my dad wolf open my door and shut it before circling around my bed to sleep

Tommy- Night frank

Frank- *barks*

Awesamdude Pov:

I headed back to my room after talking to tommy. I had this mystery person on my mind as a lately. I never heard of a doctor like this before why haven't I? Maybe because he new? No no no that can't be

Look over to see one of my guards sapnap pretty much Drooling over a picture of his fiance.

Sam- Sapnap

Sapnap- oh umm sir do you need anything?

Sam- can you tell me about this magic user doctor in town

That is when I notice sapnap mood change from his yes sir look to a serious look.

Sapnap- Why do you want to know about him?

Sam- So you know

Sapnap- a lot of people know about this magic user doctor but why do you want to know mmm? Are you going kill him?

Sam- WHAT!? No no no where did you get that idea

Sapnap- Well because you normally don't ask this type of stuff that all. Are you going to take him away from your people like your father did to me because if so I don't care if your the prince soon to become king I will kill you right here and right now

Sam- Woah Woah Woah I wasn't planing on doing anything like that to him

Sapnap- Better not because he save my life and my fiance life multiple times. I owe my life to that man and if you do anything like take him away from your subjects your rain of being king will be over do you understand me

Sam- I do it just that I didn't know he was that important to my people that all

Sapnap- He is important to your people because he is one of the few doctors in town that seem to understand what is wrong with hybrids and magic users.

Sam- I see

Sapnap- Also the reason why people don't talk about him is because his family was killed by hunters who were after the poor boy and I bet there still after him since he one of the few magic users in town that know his stuff.

Sam- Why was hunters after him?

Sapnap- I'm not sure. They could been after him because of his power or for the fact that his Special who knows

Sam- I see

Sapnap- I have a favor to ask you my prince

Sam- ok what is it?

Sapnap- Pls don't talk about him to much. There a reason why people keep quiet about him. If the hunters find out they live here who knows what they could do to the poor man

Sam- ok I understand I will let tommy know about this as well

Sapnap- thank you after all I don't want you guys to get hurt

Sam- What do you mean by that?

Sapnap- Well let just say there are people within this town of yours that would so anything to keep him safe even killing you and your son so be careful pls

Sam- I will now then I am off to my room goodnight sapnap

Sapnap- Night

With that I headed to my room. When I shut the door and made sure no one was outside of my door or inside my room I let out a huge sigh.

Who ever this magic user of a doctor seem to be very important to my people but I just don't see why I haven't heard of him before that all. Maybe my people were scared about what I could do to him but..... I'm not like my father ugh it just make me so angry and upset that some of my people may think that ugh it doesn't matter because soon I will be crown king and show them that I am a better ruler than that horrible man

That night I went into my bed trying to sleep and get over of this mystery doctor. Soon I started to have the same dream again but this time it was different. I was running in the forest with tears in my eyes when I say the color of my saver eyes. They were brown like a chocolate bar. I didn't know why but this made me feel even more happy inside as I was going to jump at him with a hug but before I could the kids eye's change from its beautiful chocolate like eyes to a deep blood red. It scared me but before I could do anything I woke up to a knock on my door.

Sam- Well Lets get this mask ball over and done with.

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