Chapter 22: The Truth Of Her Sickness

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Awesamdude Pov:

Ponk- I think you have a murder on your hands

As soon as I heard those words came out of ponk mouth my whole body froze and I started to think. Is my mom being poison by someone? If that so that would make more since also it explain why she wasn't getting any better but to think someone in my castle walls is doing this to her I can't even imagine

Sam- Ponk I think its best if we head back ok?

Ponk- Ok

While walking ponk back there was an awkward silence between us until we got back to his house

Ponk- I know it wasn't long but I had fun

Sam- I had fun to but before I go

I gave him a little kiss on his forehead before running off leaving him shock.

Dropsbyponk pov:

Did he just kiss my forehead. This had to be a dream right? Ya I must of been seeing things wrong because why would the prince soon to be role king would kiss a useless magic user who can't use his magic to hide himself from the past.

Why would a prince love a useless doctor like me after all he could be playing with my feeling.

I went to my room and lay down on my bed before thinking what I just said to the prince.

Ponk mind- That was Stupid of me to even say that after all now he might think I am going crazy or even think I'm the one poisoning the queen but I do hope he would at least look into it

Awesamdude Pov:

After leaving Ponk I went back to the castle and had started looking over the Medical stuff I did with my mother as well as so many different type of files of people life's and people my mother work with over the years.

I stay in that room night after night reading what my father and what my mother did. A lot of my guards had even started to worry about me since I haven't come out for food, water, sleep, or even to use the bathroom. I was for forces on Ponk words that I want to think he was wrong. No I want to prove his theory was wrong.

That was until I notice two documents that I never seen before. There was a magic user medical worker and a hidden file my father hid away from us so long ago.

My father file read that we have a deadly poison that would kill almost anyone in seconds if you use to much but if you were to use it slow it would kill the person slowly and painfully making them sick.

Then there was a medical worker that we had a few months ago who died by being killed. We thought it was a hunter but now I am thinking it could of been the guy or even a hit man that was hired.

It state that my mother did have that same poison in her blood stream and it was killing her.

Why didn't I know this before? Were the other doctors hiding something or was it they never know? No that can't be it maybe some did know but fear to be killed or was paid off to keep quiet.

This made me sick this whole time someone that I thought was family was killing my mother but who is doing this to her? And why?

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