Chapter 35: The Queen Death

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No One Pov:

When Sam and Ponk went down to get some Breakfast they didn't hear shatter glass that came from the other room.

They also didn't hear the queen door open up until it was too late.

Rose was getting ready for the day she will be able to walk out of the room but that day would never come when they spotted two shadow figures enter her room.

She turn to look at them when they saw that they were not human as all Two of them seem to be female hybrids pretending to be human

Rose- What are you doing here? Wait don't come closer or else. What are you going to do with that? Wait wait wait *Screams*

As the queen scream is had Echo threw the whole castle making both the guard's and prince himself get up and ran to the queen room only to see two human like shadow figures jumping out of the window and a horrible sight.

They saw a dead queen with blood shot eyes and blood Oozing out of her neck, chest, and leg.

Sam- Guards find the ones who is responsible for this and bring them to me NOW!?

As the guards were shock and scared to see an angry prince they ran off to find the ones who are responsible.

Sam- Why why did they have to do this to you

Ponk- Sam!? *GASP* No no no no don't tell me

Sam turn to look at ponk with tears in his eyes as Ponk had also started to cry.

Ponk ran to Sam and gave him a hug before looking at the queen dead Corpse and noticing a few things

One it did seem the person try to attack there attacker but they were hold down by something or someone. Another thing was she had huge claw marks on her chest and leg while the neck seem to be cut by a blade. There were also two bloody spots on her neck meaning she was bitten by something.

The last two things were she was trying to write something down and there were scales & fur on the floor making him realize something

Ponk- Sam I can't believe I am going to say this but I think the killers weren't human

Sam- I think your right as those claw marks seem to come from a werewolf

Ponk- yes I believe we do have a werewolf but we also have something else on are hands. Something that were to believe to be in hiding for so long as they can be one of the most dangerous creatures around. A creature that hunters would use to kill other creatures and slave

Sam- Ponk don't tell me-

Ponk- Sam I believe we have a werewolf and Naga on are hands.

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