Chapter 24: Something Wrong

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Dropsbyponk Pov:

When the Next day role around I notice I was really close to the prince grasp that I couldn't get out of. It got to the point that he was now crushing me and I couldn't move at all and it was getting a little hard to breath.

When I try to move my hands which were rap around his chest he started purring like a cat which catch me off guard.

Ponk Mind- Maybe he won't mind it I just start playing with his fur until he wake up that is.

That is when I put my hands threw is soft fluffy fur and it was a amazing. It was like a cloud and the more I did it the more louder the purring got. It got to the point that my whole body was vibrating by the way he was purring.

After a while though he started waking up which made me glad.

Ponk- Good morning sleepy head why don't you get up after all you do have work to do. You can't catch that killer and heal your mom if you stay in bed for so long.

Sam- Noo I want cuddles

Ponk- But Sam you have to get up you have work to do and so do I

Sam- Noo

With that though someone barge into the room with a panic look

Ponk- Oh hey Ant how are you

Antfrost- Ponk when did you no what this is perfect because we need your help now

Sam- Antfrost what is it?

Antfrost- The queen have request you your Highness

Sam- Ok I'll be up there in a minute

Ponk- What about me? Didn't you say you need my help?

Antfrost- Yes I did someone attack George last night

Sam & Ponk- WHAT!? WHAT HAPPEN!?

Antfrost- That the thing we don't know he was doing his normal guard areas when he was attack and it almost kill him too. Dream is with him right now and the doctors here don't know what to do

Ponk- Ok ok ok I'll go check it out now thank you for informing me about this

Sam- Ponk Wait

Ponk- Yes?

Sam- After Your done checking out George and me talking to mom can we have a chat pls? Its about the thing I mentioned last night

Ponk- Ok sure we can do that but for now lets check what going on but before we do

That is when I pull Sam close to me which did make be get flustered a little bit but that not the point

Ponk whispers- Sam the key to your office is in the drawer grab it when you get ready because I don't trust this one bit ok?

Sam whispers- Ok I trust you

With that I went to George to go see what going on with him while Sam went to the queen to see what going on but for one thing for sure I have a bad feeling about this.

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