Chapter 14: Drunk Trouble

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Dropsbyponk Pov:

When I bump into the prince and started dancing with him I was shock. Why would the prince want to dance with me like come on there are so many people here who want to dance with him but instead he was dancing with me.

Finally when we stop dancing I gave him my thanks and walk away. I notice that he tried to follow me but he was block by other people who wants to dance with him next. My face was burning up a little bit maybe because I was embarrass no not embarrassed I should say Flustered.

While walking around I went to the garden so I can calm my nerves a little bit. After I believe I was finish calming down I left the room and started heading to where the food was. I didn't know why but no matter where I go to this castle I always wanted to go back to the food area because the food here was amazing.

When I head inside I notice that a lot of people weren't around here which did made me glad a little bit but that is when trouble hit. I was walking past a few people when I notice this drunk girl looking at me.

I tried to play it off like I didn't see her but then I notice a guy looking at me also. He was with the girl and was talking to her.

The guy had orange hair and was wearing a suit. I notice he was wearing glasses and had yellow eyes that reminds me as a lion. The girl had blond hair with bright blue eyes. She was looking at me then him. The dress she was wearing was blue and I didn't know why but my fight it flight reflex were kicking in. I wanted to leave but right before I did the guy walk up to me.

Leo- Hello there

Ponk- Oh umm hello?

Leo- My name is Leo *hip* and over there is my "sister" Amity. We were looking around and *hip* spotted you alone *hip* and wonder if you want to join us *hip*

Ponk- Sorry I can't

I tried to leave but the guy just grab my arm which started to scared me a little bit. That is when the girl walk up to me and this Leo guy just push me to her.

Amity- Hello there cutie *hip*

Ponk Mind- Oh no not again pls not again

Amity- Why not *hip* come with me *hip* I can give you *hip* a great time *hip*

Ponk- oh umm no thank you but I have to go now

With that I ran. The guy and the girl were following me but that is when I notice something. This guy isn't her sister he being trick. The reason I know this is because he have a amulet around his neck that points out which kingdom he is from while the girl doesn't have this symbol anywhere on her body.

Ponk Mind- Did she put something in this guy drink or something

I was finally able to get into the room where the ball was taking place. I tried to look for my friends but then I notice the Leo guy stop following me. Maybe he realized what he was doing because he head to another boy who started kissing him.

Ponk Mind- Glad he was able to realize what he was doing but now I need to find some of my friends now.

Before I could do anything I through I was grab by this girl and push into a wall.

Amity- Where do you think your going *hip* I wasn't done with you

Ponk- Pls let me go I'm not Interested

Amity- Oh I see playing hard to get I like that *hip*

That is when she started touching me and kissing me. Tears started to form into my eyes. I wanted to yell for help but when I tried to she started hitting me and then force me into a kiss again.

Ponk Mind- Pls Somebody anyone help me

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