Chapter 32: Are You Cutting?

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Ponk Pov:

After having that horrible nightmare I called into work to let purple know I'm taking the day off.

I was curl up in the corner of my room crying trying to think why I remember that horrible memory when there was a huge knock of my door.

I jump when I heard that knock and me not wanting to get up just stay in the corner of my room trying to muffled my cries

That is when I heard the knock again but this time I heard a voice

Dream- We know your in there ponk come out the prince have requested to see you

I slowly got up from my spot and slowly walk to the door. I look threw the peek whole and saw two gaurds.

Ponk- *sniff* why does the *sod* prince want to *sniff* see me?

George- ponk are you crying?

Ponk- umm *sniff* no?

Dream- That sound more of a question than an answer

George- Ponk what's wrong?

Ponk- Just *sob* a bad nightmare *sniff* that all

George- Geese first sam and now you

Ponk- wait *sniff* Sam had a nightmare too?

George- He did and because of that nightmare he is ordering dream and I to take you to him

Ponk- Why me can't *sniff* you guys leave me alone pls

Dream- We aren't leaving until you come with us so please come with us willing or else we might have too use force

With that George grab my arm making me scream a little in pain as some blood came off of my sleeve

George- Ponk did you Hurt yourself?

Ponk- That was an Accident I was going to heal myself after you guys leave

Dream- George we don't have time for this right now

With that dream grab my other arm before dragging me back to the castle.

As I was drag in I saw the look on George face which gave me a nervous look.

Ponk Mind- I should try to heal myself before Sam see me

Before I even had the chance to do that though there was Sam standing right in front of me with tears in his eyes which made me forget what I was about to do with my arm.

Ponk- Oh my gosh Sam are you ok?

Sam- I am now

With that Sam gave me a hug before I felt his hand grab my arm. I look into Sam eyes as he pull down my sleeve revealing two cuts. When sam did the same for the other arm but there was nothing luckily. That is when Sam turn to me with a look of horror

Sam- Ponk are you cutting yourself?

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