Chapter 28: Sam Story

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Dropsbyponk Pov:

Ponk- Well what happen?

Sam- *sigh* I was a kid when it started. I was playing with my toys while frank my wolf pup at the time was sleeping. I heard crashing down stares meaning my mom and dad were fighting again

Ponk- Do they fight a lot?

Sam- Yes they do but they use to be a normal family until my father started to kill me that is

Ponk- Your father try to kill you. That horrible, do you know why he was trying to kill you?

Sam- I have a few ideas on why but I'm not a 100% sure, anyway back to the story

Ponk- oh yes sorry for interrupting

Sam- This fight was different from the rest though as it was much louder and there was screaming involved. I remember if something ever bad happens was to always lock my door so I got up to do that but my mom came into the room and grab me. Frank was going crazy at this time to as she was growling and barking. My mom grab both of us before jumping out of the window

Ponk Mind- Oh god

Ponk- Sam you don't have to day anymore of this story. It looks like you about ready to cry

Sam- I'm fine ponk and I want to tell you the story

Ponk- Ok

Sam- while running into the woods I look back and saw my dad chasing us with a metal bat. With a last ditch effort my mom threw us. She hope that we will be able to hide and my father won't find us but sadly that was not what happen.

Ponk- What happen next?

Sam- He almost killed my mom before looking for us. We weren't far when I saw him beating my mom to death. He found us, frank tried to protect me but it wasn't working as my father threw her aside making her hit her head. He then grab me and threw me right next to my mother as he was going to do the same thing to me

Ponk Mind- Wait why does that-

Sam- Soon he started to hit me but someone heard my screams and kill him. I think they use a light spell of some sort to kill him. I soon ran up to him crying and shaking but he was able to calm me down before healing me

Ponk Mind- Pls don't tell me that I save the prince that night.

Sam- After healing me he was able to heal my mom and dog before disappearing out of thin air.

Ponk- Oh umm wow that was umm cool of him

Sam- it was he was around my age too. He had to been a magic user and man even though I can't remember much about him I am sure I fell in love with him

That is when I started to feel my cheeks heating up and sam had started getting a little closer to me.

Sam- All I remember was his eyes and how brown they were. I felt myself getting lost in those eyes

Ponk- oh umm anything else you remember about him?

Sam- I believe his hair color was white but I can't really remember as it was so long ago.

Ponk- What would happen if you found him?

Sam- Oh I would make him my queen right thin and there. Take him with me everywhere and made sure he gets anything he wants as he made my life change for the greater and I want to do the same thing to him as he has done to me

Ponk- What would happen if he didn't want that?

Sam- Well I would keep trying. I want him to give me a chance and if it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out

Ponk- Oh.. I umm see

That is when I notice sam was really close to my face which was making me blush red. I still though can't believe I save the queen and prince that day but what am I supposed to do. Do I tell me that it was me? Would he believe me?

Ponk- I have a umm question

Sam- Ok what is it?

Ponk- umm first can you back up a little bit

Sam- Oh umm sorry didn't mean to get into your personal bubble here

Ponk- It's ok its ok but have people ever fake being the person who save you that day

Sam- Oh yes. When word got out parents who have kids that were magic users tried to trick me to marry there sons but of course it was never a real issue but it was annoying

Ponk- Oh umm I see well sam I think it's time for me to go

Sam- Aww can't you stay a little longer with me pls?

Ponk- I wish I could but I have a job to do as well as you do too

Sam- I guess your right well I hope to see you soon then ponkie

Ponk- Me to prince sam and stop calling me that

Sam- Never

With that I left the castle but with me knowing the truth of that day and wondering when is the best time to tell him that I was the one that save him that day

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