Chapter 18: Who Is Doing This?

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Dropsbyponk Pov:

When I finally got home and got dress I couldn't help but wonder if the queen is getting sick by someone then who?

Who Would want the queen dead and why are they doing this?

Now the queen is very like around kingdom's alive. Is someone trying to start a war? Because if so this might be one of there steps like you know getting rid of the queen then Sam will have to take in charge.

Thinking about it Sam and the queen are really close when there father died like really close. I don't think he would want her dead oh no no no that not Sam at all.

George? No the queen pretty much save his life from death of his family. Eric and George are brothers but due to how weak George magic was at the time and he wasn't born with pure white eyes like there father Herobrine he was going to be killed by there uncle if she didn't take in George the right time. The only reason why deo & Eric is safe because of there white eyes but deo found out how to hide them with mix color eyes of brown and orange.

Maybe Bad? No no no he way to Innocent and why would he want to kill the queen when she save his life from being hunted for being called the grim reaper because of how much hunters he had kill over his time of him living in the forest.

Skeppy? No no no bad would kill him for that and he like the queen to the point where he would give her diamonds

While trying to think who this mystery killer is I was Interrupted by my clock.

Ponk Mind- Oh shit I am going to be late for work purple is going to kill me

Awesamdude Pov:

After I was done with my paper work I went back to my bed when I saw ponk was missing which started to make me panic a lot until George came in the room.

George- Hey Sam I forgot to tell you that Ponk had- Oh gosh are you ok?

Sam- I'm fine but where is ponk!?

George- I took him back home where he should start work soon

Sam- And you didn't tell me he was awake!?

*Dream Walks in*

Dream- Yes he didn't tell you because you would of drop everything to go after the boy so we thought it was a good idea that he goes home and get back to his life and you get back to yours

Sam- Listened here dream I don't know what you are planing but if it involves Ponk I will murder you do you understand me!?

Dream- ....


Dream- Ye-yes sir

Sam- good sorry for yelling at you it just that my-

George- You're instinct are telling you to protect the boy and keep him close like that one time when your Younger your mother kept you in arm reach because of your father

Sam- Shut up

Dream- no I don't think he will

Sam- What ever I am going to go see ponkie and if you guys try to stop me I will bite your heads off

Dream- Ok Sam have a good day bye

After that I left

Georgenotfound Pov:

George- You better not be planing anything the last we need is an angry prince. Do you remember last time he was like this? It was the time he was force to fight hunters. He pretty much Slaughter them we don't want to be the hunters in this game dream

Dream- I know I know my little mushrooming it just that I since something powerful in that boy and it scares me

George- Is it as powerful as tommy magic because you also didn't like him as well until you got to know him

Dream- Stop your embarrassing me but sadly it is. I can't tell if his magic is as powerfully as tommy or close as power as tommy. Who knows maybe he even more powerful then we think.

George- Dream reminder the time Ponk save your life from death three times

Dream- Yes I do?

George- Then why do you see him as a threat?

Dream- I gust your right I might be over thinking this

George- Maybe you are now lets go back to sleep ok?

Dream- George its the middle of the day

George- So who cares

Dream- Alright let me lead you to your room

George- Yay!

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