Chapter 24

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It was Julia's first day back to school. Usually, new students had to wait until the first of the year if they came in the middle, but they let her in considering how close it was to winter break. Luke usually picked me up on Mondays and took me to school, since Julia was here now, I asked Michael.

Michael pulled into our driveway at exactly seven thirty. I ran outside and got into his car, long before Julia. "I can see that you're excited to get to school." He said, making fun of me.

"I am not looking forward to her going to the same school as us again." I pouted as I stretched the seat belt across me, clicking it into the buckle. "Now I can't ride with Luke. I did that so my week would start off good."

"Why don't you just tell Julia?" Michael suggested. I groaned, knowing I've told him why before. "Fine." He put his hands up in defense. "But when this all comes crashing down because you didn't tell her, don't come to me." After that it was silent until Julia came. Her and Michael exchanged greetings and he back out of the driveway.

Sometime later, Michael pulled into the school parking lot. We all piled out of his car and walked to the building. I saw Julia from the corner of my eye, rushing inside. I could only assume it was one person. "Damn, she really doesn't want to be around me." Luke's voice approached me. "How are you?" He changed the subject, draping his arm over my shoulder and giving me a light kiss.

"I would be better if I got to ride with you." I let out a deep sigh, leaning in closer to Luke. We walked into the school, feeling a burst of cool air as soon as I opened the doors. Luke removed his arm from around my shoulder. He intertwined our fingers together, swinging our arms back and forth.

"I'll make it up to you." He kissed the top of my head. "I'll take you anywhere you want to go." I agreed, coming to a stop in front of my homeroom. Luke leaned in to kiss me one last time, that was until Calum cleared his throat.

"You two are blocking the way." He said, an emotionless expression on his face. Luke gave me a smile and left to his class, leaving me alone with Calum.

"Can we talk?" I asked, still blocking his way.

"Maybe sometime when I won't be late for homeroom." His lips were formed into a straight line, showing how serious he was. I got out of his way and walked back to my seat. When I sat down, Michael rubbed my knee with his hand, giving me a sympathetic look. I sighed and slouched down in my seat. I didn't want to lose Calum just to keep Luke. I didn't want to lose anybody. It was unfair for me to be put into this position by one of my best friends


I never got the chance to speak to Calum until last period study hall. I took him aside right before he walked in, he definitely didn't look happy about it. "I can't choose Calum." I said firmly, crossing my arms over my chest. "I don't want to choose. You're my friend and Luke is my..." I trailed off, wondering if Luke was my boyfriend or not.

"Then I'll choose for you, Ellie." Calum said bluntly, shrugging his shoulders. I let out a silent 'oh'. "I can't do it, Ellie." He shook his head. I spoke his name softly. "You know I can't be around him. I wish this wasn't happening, but it is." Calum looked up and down the hallway, avoiding eye contact. "I bet you haven't even told Julia about whatever it is you and Luke have." By this point my eyes were filling up with tears. "I have to go to class." He pressed his lips together, not knowing what else to do. He slowly walked back into the classroom, leaving me alone in the hallway.

I decided that I couldn't stand being inside anymore. I suddenly felt claustrophobic and hot. I shot Luke a quick text, telling him I was waiting outside, and for him to wait until school let out. I didn't want him to worry too much about me. I shoved my phone into my backpack and walked outside into the warm California air.

I sat outside of the school for about forty-five minutes until Luke came and found me. "What's wrong?" He questioned, instantly seeing that I was upset about something.

"I don't want to talk here." I watched groups of people leaving, all of them getting on the busses or into their cars.

"Okay my car is across the street." We walked together to his car, where we then sat in silence until I decided to speak.

"Calum said he didn't want to be my friend anymore. He said he couldn't." I could hardly speak above a whisper without wanting to go into a full on sob. Tears ran down my cheeks as I looked at the car in front of us. "But I don't want you to think this is your fault." I looked at Luke, who had taken off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. I wiped the tears away, and making sure my makeup wasn't running. "It's my fault."

"How is it your fault?" He wondered. "If anything it would be my fault."

I pressed my lips together, thinking of what to say next. "I let myself fall for you. I let myself change." Instead of responding Luke got out of his side and came over to mine. He opened the door and pulled me out. "What are you doing?"

"I don't want to think you've changed in anyway, because you haven't. It sucks to see you sad. I understand why, I do."


"But I don't want you to think that you're the problem." He took his hand in mine, tracing circles on the back of my hand. "You are so far from the problem." He shook his head. I watched his eyes scan my face. "Ellie," he sighed, "I know we've only had like two dates, but I like you so much, I don't think you even know." I bit down on my lip to keep from smiling like a big idiot. "I never want to see you sad. I will do anything to see you smile. I promise you that, Ellie." I couldn't help but smile as wide as I could when his blue eyes met mine. "I know you're sad right now but do you still want to be with me?" I nodded, still smiling.


Ellie giggled after I flopped down next to her on my bed, resting my head in the crook of her neck. "Luke your breath tickles." She laughed even more once I started leaving soft kisses on her collarbone. As I laid next to her, I wondered if she would ever let me do anything more. Ellie was so scared of anything more that this, I could tell. She told me that she had never had sex and I was okay witht that. She also said that she wanted it to be with someone she loved. That was fine too, even if it wasn't me.

*dedicates chapter to bek*

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